There is a wide variety of shapes, colors, and textures... so every squash I cut into is an adventure. Luckily we love all squash... even if it's "spaghetnut" or butterghetti"
We also had our 1st frost and dozens of the late apples fell to the ground. I know of at least 3 that Morris brought into the house today and ate...stem, core, seeds, and all. This evening I found 3 more that he also brought in today and hid... there may be more. Luckily the chickens love them and the deer keep the area under the three trees tidy indeed. And speaking of chickens I'm now suspecting our chickens may be roosters in drag. ...still no eggs. I really expected eggs late September and now we are well into October.
This second batch of scones is fresh apple cinnamon (with applesauce in them from above apples) They too are delicious and I did repeat grating the frozen butter and chilling the dough. They rapidly disappeared and tomorrow will be chocolate/orange scones.

I did burn a batch of sour cream rolls the other day and luckily passed through the kitchen today when the scones were in the oven and noticed the timer had expired and caught them before they burned. Unless I am actually next to the stove I never hear the timer go off... I depended on Molly for that as she always came to find me (even if I was in the barn) to get me to the oven. She could actually sensed when it was going to go off about 20 seconds before it did.
Unfortunately Molly has left us. I knew it was time when the timer went off and she couldn't pull herself up to fetch me. It was several weeks ago and it is still hard to talk about her. Any time we sneezed or coughed she would charge through the house to check on us. She always slept right in front of the bedroom door at night and also when I was sick, injured, or having a bad day with my eye injections. Even though not trained as a service dog, she was a fierce protector by nature. She was a rescue dog and we were her fourth home and we loved her to the very end.
Morris misses her terribly as we all do...
so sorry to read you had lost Molly, such a sad time. Interesting to read about the squash and how they interbred!
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about sweet Molly. I know what a great dog she was, and she'll always have a special place in my heart. Do you plan to get another companion for Morris?
I'm so sorry to hear about Molly. Its a sad time for all. I'm going to have a small raised bed garden next year and hope to plant 1 squash - probably butternut but I'm not totally decided yet. I have 2 here to cook up and then dehydrate so I can make butternut squash soup this winter. My freezer is so full that I can't fit anything else in it - I love how much less space dehydrating takes. So, the apple cinnamon scones sound good the chocolate/orange...that definitely got my attention :)
I'm so very sorry about Molly. I still miss our Odin who has been gone nearly 8 years. They definitely leave a hole in your heart, thank you for the scone tips..will pass them along to the resident cook. Hope you share your recipe sometime!
I'miss sorry to hear about your Molly. It is always hard to lose a furbaby
RIP Molly. May the hallways of Heaven be totally carpeted and may linoleum floors only be found in Hell.
Hugs from Utah (and love from Teddy and me), Bev
I am so sorry about your loss, for you both and Morris too. Hope you have a gentle winter for you all.
Sorry to hear about Molly. I am facing that decision this week with our Dexter. I wish he could talk and let me know what he'd like to do. We "rescued" him 3 1/2 years ago, but he really rescued me. Not sure how to live without a dog underfoot.
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