Spent time last night finishing up this pet portrait on a button. Just a few tweaks and it will be done.. lovely dog.
I was feeling a bit overwhelmed when we left for Alaska and came home refreshed. The first thing I wanted to do was walk in the woods but it turned out the first thing I had to do was clean the refrigerator. In our hasty departure I neglected to tell the house sitter that the bag of spinach in the refrigerator was for the chickens. It was close to "sell-by" so it spoiled and made a god-awful mess. The new pullets had grown and are used to sleeping in the roost loft. Will soon let them wander out of the pen an hour or so before dark and gradually lengthen the time.
Then I could walk in the woods and it was breathtaking and I love it when I can find the perfect adjective....dappled... the light and a breeze made everything shimmer. And Morris startled some turkeys and to his delight they flew into a tree over his head and he could bark at them. But when he barked the ravens appeared and scolded him...

The elderberry trees are absolutely loaded and will provide lots of feed for all types of birds. We have had way more rain this summer than normal and all the trees and bushes are loaded with fruit.
And the mama quail are continually encouraging this year's crop of babies out of the safety of juniper shrubs. They finally emerge a few inches and then at the slightest movement they scurry back.
And my young buck is hanging about scarfing up the apples falling to the ground... Didn't have a fawn this year so I hope he stays safe until breeding season... There are enough apples that he could be busy until then.
Its always nice to come home...well, except for the spinach. You have such lovely paths to walk. I do envy you your elderberries. I've never seen them around here but I buy them to make elderberry syrup for the winter. We were at friends last night and she is predicting an early and very cold winter with lots of snow. No offense, but I hope she is wrong. We have had a lot of rain here this winter and the poor little willow tree we planted 8 years ago that has only grown to about 5' high added at least 2 feet this year. DH went and picked some choke cherries for me yesterday - not enough for a batch of jelly so I'll make some syrup. It will be very tasty on pancakes :)
I'm always amazed at how much detail you can put into a painting that's so small. Lovely to see your wildlife and to see what those berries look like. I've heard of them, but never seen them either for real or in pictures.
How Lovely! Pure Nature!
Hi Gerry,
I always love your paintings, I sure that you've lots of paintings at your home walls, as well.
To come back home is always a great feeling. Home sweet home...but, mostly some surprises were waiting us, like your spinach!
Enjoy your amazing nature, there...
Rengin, in Istanbul
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