Just across the inlet are two active volcanoes... Mt. Illiamna which last erupted in 1876 and is still constantly spewing steam and fumes and Mt. Redoubt which last erupted in 2009 and wreaked havoc with air travel for some time. Both volcanoes are visible from the lodge on a clear day.
My son's lodge is magnificent and it is like a natural history museum as it is filled with every Alaskan animal imaginable... and my son does not even hunt. But hunters do kill these animals and have them mounted. When they arrive in an ordinary house some wife says "No way in my house!" and they end up giving them to the lodge. It is hard to imagine the size and power of these animals until you stand next to one.
One afternoon we drove to Homer and another we went eagle watching.
There is a large staff including a chef and a masseuse. We ate a LOT of food. This 3-foot-tall seafood tower had the appetizers for one evening. There was every seafood imaginable... salmon, cod, shrimp, oysters, clams, scallops, etc. and even sea urchin. There were containers of dry ice billowing ice fog...very dramatic. I especially loved the large prawns.

Each night had a fabulous menu and the last night was prime rib and lobster.
One night there were huge tubs of king crab and we enjoyed every bite. I meant to save DH's bib as there are days when he is grouchy I could hang it on him.. He's looking pretty happy here though.
And then there is my son... who if had lived in 1900 would have been in vaudeville..... he is always "on" and there was no way I could make him look normal for a proper mother/son picture. This was pirate night which starts out with a whole roasted suckling pig as one of the appetizers... The entire staff dress as pirates and wenches and put on a quite a show.
He is now approaching 60 but was just as funny and wacky when he was 6.
I did get to spend time stitching when everyone was busy and also on the plane. I did almost finish basting all the laces I took. When there was any quiet time I spent it with my lovely daughter-in-law... who keeps the entire operation running smoothly. And she is as beautiful inside as outside and made a very fetching wench. I wish I had taken a picture of her costume.. My oldest granddaughter did get down from Anchorage for a couple days and I loved that.
DH did get to go out one day and caught enough halibut that we brought it home frozen and will enjoy it this winter.
This particular week there was a lot of fly outs as the water was really too rough for the boats. On the last day there were four helicopters ready to take the fisherman across the inlet to remote rivers full of fish. At the end of the last day we were treated to a long flight across the inlet...right up the side of Mt. Illiamna
And for more pictures and more information about the lodge go to http://alaskafishinglodge.com/
I'm in Alaska lodge envy. It sounds and looks like you had a fabulous time. Welcome back
What a delightful trip! I'm sure your very proud of your son and family and their accomplishments!
Looks like an absolutely amazing place - it would be so hard to leave I think. Enjoyed seeing the pictures and the smile on your face says it all!
Fabulous! The first time I have wanted to go to Alaska!
What a great place. Glad you are back safe and that you had a good time and got to share time with family even if he put you to work in the kitchen! But I guess that would be okay with you.
Dear Gerry,
I really enjoyed so much your Alaska notes, it must be an amazing place with its nature. Thanks so much for sharing all those wonderful photos and all those great explanations.
You must be so proud of your dear son and his family, you look so happy in those photos:))
Rengin, in Istanbul
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