Of this particular grouping my favorite is "Yard by yard life is hard, inch by inch it's a cinch" and "Character like embroidery is made stitch by stitch." as a close second. Although "Time wounds all heels" has certainly been relevant more than a few times over the years.

During my daughter-in-law's last visit she asked about what has been the guiding forces in my life and there has been just one..... this prayer. It has become a mantra. This sampler will go to my second oldest granddaughter Leigha.

Gradually my collection grew until I had several dozen. A few years ago I downsized and gave many away to family and friends and even still I have about 20 hanging in my living room...
The traditional sayings on samplers usually express a common experience such as a short well-known saying containing a wise thought.
The dictionary defines adages/proverbs as brief statements which reflect commonly-held philosophical beliefs in a society. Because an adage has been passed down over time, it serves as a symbol of collected and accepted wisdom. Adages provide us with simple guidelines with which to live.
A good example is a "Stitch in time, save nine" and one on this wall which is "It's nice to be important but more important to be nice."
I just can't imagine not being surrounded by this collection but I'm going to give more away to grandchildren this winter... This one is going to my oldest granddaughter, Madison. I stitched it in 1965 for her great-great grandmother... a strong Danish woman whom I adored. When she passed her daughter gave it back to me to pass down in our family. They are really hard to photograph because the glass reflects everything.
Some time back I stopped stitching new ones but I still occasionally pin one on a wall that speaks to me
and I have even painted them right on the wall..
And even though I find it hard to believe a month has passed and it is time for eye injections again tomorrow... My bedroom is ready and I have books downloaded. These injections definitely fall in the category of things I cannot change and must accept.
I love the serenity prayer. It is a good rule to live by. I have never done samplers = all my cross stitch was pictures. I really used to enjoy it but had to give it up because of my wrists which is why I was really surprised that I could do the crazy quilting. But I am so thankful that I can. I have finished 3 more bird blocks in the last few weeks - only 4 more to go now. Your idea of the samplers with the sayings is really neat. Hope the fires aren't anywhere near you.
Wow - how I would love to visit your house just to see those wonderful samplers. I really want to make one and hopefully will one day. Good luck with your eye treatment - so unfair to have to go through that so often.
Thanks for the inspiration. Love the quote about being flexible, definitely true!
I love samplers and have them displayed on my walls too! Not as many as you but I've enjoyed stitching them through the years. The last one was a kit we bought in England for our 50th wedding anniversary. The yarn was beautiful and it worked up great! We just celebrated our 61st anniversary Aug. 26th.
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