The size was OK but I love the shape of this replica of an old carpet bag but the handle is wimpy. Isn't it gorgeous?
And of course what is not to love about this boho bag.
which I found on Pinterest... to be really practical I'll have NO lace or trim on the bottom because I really use and abuse my bags. My boho bag I have now has a suede leather bottom which HAS worked great! What I really want is to combine the best of all these bags which brings me to my little red everyday bag
This has been my favorite bag of all time and I can just throw it in the wash. I've often said that when it wears out I will cut it up for a pattern and make another just like it. Of course it is far too small to hold an 10" hoop.
It is actually three sections with the handles attached to the outer sections. The design and piecing is quite complex... Not counting the outside little pockets there were, as close as I could count, 22 separate pieces. which in itself is great for crazy quilting.
So when I actually get around to making another bag I'll try to adapt a pattern from this bag....larger and a different shape. Of course that means I will have to make two... The first will be a trial run which will not be quite right so I will have to make another to get it right... Now as I'm driving I will have to start thinking about themes and colors... Definitely black for one with maybe a magpie and lots of rhinestones and glitz... sometimes the planning and problem solving is as much fun as the actual doing.
Especially love the first bag but could never live without a shoulder strap. They are all great . Often my project leaves me wishing I did something different.
nice variety of bags here, the first one gets my vote too
That sounds like a fun project. I love the shape of the carpetbag.
I love the carpet bag but I'd want a longer strap on it. I like to wear my bags/purses across my shoulder -that way they don't slip off and I don't have to keep pulling them back up. I even found the hardware to make them one time somewhere on the net. Buy your favourite bag is a close second. When I make my purses I always have a least one pocket on the outside and several on the inside so that everything has its own spot and the only thing in the middle is my wallet. Its time to make a new one though because the old one has worn through the fabric on the bottom. Its on the list......
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