Susie W. had gifted me with this lovely journal with graph paper to record seams... I had wanted to make a cover for it and guess who is the "cover boy"? And I was sorting and cleaning up laces from the Suffrage quilt...
I thought it was serendipity that Susan Elliott posted about embellished book covers as I was working on this...This was an easy project and I will share my clever secrets with you for making it even easier.

First start with something retangle. It doesn't have to be a correct size....just wider so any extra hangs out top and bottom and longer so you can have flaps to fold back.. You could even combine two (or more) pieces to make the rectange... I started with a rectangle doily about the size of a placemat....
I added all my bits and pieces before I folded the flaps back.
Now the big secret....when it was all embellished ..I laced it top and bottom with gold, elastic gift wrap cording.... just a little snug... The when slipped onto the journal it fit just perfect and the elastic keeps it tight and from slipping about plus it gathers the excess lace just a bit....
When I added the elastic cording I started in the middle (both top and bottom) and went across one way going through the flap and then turned and went ALL the way across through the other flap and back to the middle... Then I could knot the ends and leave a little hanging for adjustment... Now it is gussied up and ready for Carole Samples class in Wichita...I may add a few beads and a button or two to it yet... And doesn't Morris look sooooooo handsome!!!!
Now don't forget to comment here to get into the Nov. 3 drawing for the BoHo bag kit...
Thanks Gerry for the tutorial on the journal cover. I have been wanting to try this and looking for info on it, appreciate it..
Wow! You DID make that look easy.
And to think of the silly things I have done in the past while waiting for my car to be repaired. I bet you received quite a few compliments too!
I think we must have some kind of psychic connection Gerry! Here I am doing grunt work today cleaning off the computer table and surrounding "overflow" and I am accumulating a little stack of journals I keep buying thinking I am going to cover them! I also really like the trick with the elastic - sounds much easier than making it a perfect fit - or trying to! lol Thanks again for your inspiration!
I just bought 12 blank journal last week with the idea of covering them all in CQ and laces... Perfect timing. Love your journal!
So pretty - and of course I love the dog. My current art journal is pretty much filled up and I know I'll soon need a new one. I might just have to haul out my lace!
Wow, that is cool. I've got to try it. Thanks for all your generous tutorials.
This is lovely - and the use of the elastic cord is brilliant! :)
Well, Morris certainly is the most handsomest guy. But don't tell him I said so - wouldn't want him to get a swelled head. I love the tip about the elastic. Its so much easier than fitting.
How clever ..... does it give you a headache to be so smart?? That elastic idea will help to keep the cover in place (irritating problem for other covers) besides making it quick and easy. Thanks!
Brilliant! Glad I found your blog and your block talk one too!
Thanks for this little tutorial!
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