Rose buttons are the easiest to do because you do EVERY one the same. Once you learn the formula the only thing you change is the color and number of roses... The formula is a blob, two boobs,a donut and some inverted eyebrows...... Stare at the rose on the red button until you see the "donut". Right behind the donut are two boobs and in front of the donut are some inverted eyebrows. Same thing for every rose....
I tried to do a tutorial but found it took me hours to write what I can teach in person in ten minutes. Because they are mounted on felt it is easy to bead around them..... The tutorial is http://www.victorianpincushions.com/button_tut.html
I plan to use the group at the retreat to help with new photos and rewrite of tutorial. If all else fails maybe this winter when I'm snowed in I will try to redo it.
Beautiful button Gerry, Very nice tutorial too. I may have to give this a try sometime,,,how do you attach the button since you filled in the holes?
The button is glued to felt before I fill in the hole. Once finished I can trim the felt close, hold the button against fabric and slip a needle through fabric and felt. I often remove shank from buttons and attach them this way... Gerry
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