Button painting tutorial


Table top 90% done..

The table top is about 90% done and I'm happy with it.  I have a few boo-boos to clean up and want to add some bees, lady bugs and a couple hummingbirds.  This week has a lot of commitments so it will be next week before I get to the legs and the finish coat.
The stencils were perfect but I needed to do them slower as I smudged a few as I was moving along.

As I was cleaning and sorting in the barn last week I came across an extra large zip lock bag and I could see a hand in it.. I couldn't imagine what it was.  It was a dance  hall floozie doll I started years and years ago.  All the parts are done and stuffed and all the embellishments are in the bag. The original design sketch is even there  and I had molded and painted her head.  There must have been some crisis in my life to have packed her away so close to finishing.  Maybe this winter..

I had always thought I had one more doll in me but I thought it was going to be a garden goddess...  I have her head done but no body....and I have lots and lots of material for her.  So maybe I have 2 more dolls in me..


  1. what a transformation your table is enjoy doing the legs. Doll looks good too you must be pleased that you have found it and plan to complete it

  2. Just as I expected the table is gorgeous!

  3. the table top looks great. Can't wait to see the legs done too. Isn't it fun to discover projects you had forgotten about....and to find them almost done. So much fun to be had - so little time :)

  4. Oh my goodness! As I read the part about seeing a hand in the bag I had a mental image of a real hand and wondered if there was a body buried out there!! Very relieved to see that it belongs to a doll....phew! Your table top is looking splendid - even better that you could play a game of checkers if you wanted to.
