Button painting tutorial


By any other name... a cellar is a cellar

We have a cellar....not a basement...but a small bonafide cellar.  Just the kind you would expect in a house that is 111 years old.  It is dark and dank and ground water seeps in during the winter and spring and a sump pump keeps us from floating away..  
There are a few shelves down there up on blocks and DH does keep a few bottles of wine down there....so over the years I have called it his wine cellar... When we bought the place and added on the only way to access it was by a trap door
That was 37 years ago and at the time I thought it would be fun to paint the trap door "trompe-l'œil"  like a wine cellar.  Well it only took me 37 years but I did it in the barn last month.  I had to wait until last week for my handy man to have a day to install it.  You can see it is tucked behind the kitchen island.
But now when you walk into the front door it is the first thing you see. It has to be the longest incubation period I have had for an idea to come to fruition.
We have a small open entry area before our front door and I hang my garden tools there and also this very small basket of silk pansies....right next to the opening and just the height of my head.   As I was preparing to sweep the entry out yesterday I heard a cheep, cheep, cheep...and found a nest with newly hatched bewick wrens in it.  The mama flies in through a dog door and up to feed them.  The bewick wrens are known for making nests in the most unusual places.
 Also yesterday the first of this year's baby wild  turkeys visited the garden.  The chickens weren't sure if they liked this encroachment in their territory.


  1. your trap door looks so impressive. How lovely to have the wren nesting, it will be fun to watch the babies grow.

  2. Cool trap door. Heck, we have one to where the well used to be. We covered ours with carpet that can be pulled back to expose the door. I tell Terry if we ever had anything we really wanted to hide, that would be the spot. No one has a clue it's there. I sure love the way you painted yours, even though it took you forever to find the time.
    xx, Carol

  3. What an amazing door! I'm sure it must get all sorts of admiring comments from visitors. And having wrens nesting inside must be so exciting. I've only ever seen a wren once and I was so impressed by its song.
