Button painting tutorial


Unique Chair with Storage Chamber LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!

About 20 years ago I ran across this chair and had to buy it and it has been in the barn ever since.  It is solid oak and if you haven't guessed the porcelain "chamber" served a special purpose... I've tried to sell it at a couple barn sales to no avail.. So I am going to paint it when I'm doing the door. I know I will have ample paint so I was searching around for something to do at the same time and THIS chair is definitely it...

The finish needs sanding but the chair itself is absolutely solid and has lovely lines.

I envision a new life for this chair looking something like this..  If  I put casters on it and a soft cushion I could use it as a computer chair.  As old as this chair is, it is amazing the chamber pot is not only still with it, but not a single chip in it...

Of course this post falls under "If it's ugly, paint it"

A really inspirational site for embellished furniture is http://pinterest.com/dotfisk/embellished-furniture-one/

Also in the running for a repaint was my reproduction sewing basket.  Mine is like this but on legs.... I wanted to take a picture of mine but can't find my camera today...

It opens up similar to this..  I bought it because I could add CQ to the top instead the the tapestry already there.  I have worked myself into a frenzy looking for that camera.  I took pictures at class on Saturday and know I packed it with my stuff..  I've searched through everything several times, searched the car and even called the thread store.

But the day started out having to repair the vacuum and has gone downhill  from there.  The only way to salvage the day now is a nice nap and cuddle with Morris....


  1. I hope a nice nap and cuddle with Morris makes your day better. I love the chair - such an improvement on the commode chairs of today. And with some bright paint and a nice soft cushion I can see you zooming around your computer room. It should make you smile just sitting in it when its done. I can't imagine what you might store in it (grin)

  2. Similar day here....I was only going to remove the back of the dryer to clean out the lint...dropped the wrench inside the dryer...had to take front off the dryer to retrieve the wrench....what should have taken 20 minutes was a hour and a half!

  3. what a wonderful chair, I am amazed it has not been snapped up at barn sales, I would have loved it, useful too when you get old!I am sure it will paint up and be a real feature when completed.
    Losing things don`t I know about it, wasted hours spent searching and the lost item could turn up the same day or weeks later and usually it is under my nose the whole time! I blame my age and demise of brain cells, not that I was ever blessed with a full set of them.

  4. Your barn is a gold mine!! Looking forward to seeing this chair in a new dress!! Good luck finding your camera.

  5. I can hardly wait to see the completed newly painted commode!

  6. Oh I love the idea of covering the top of that sewing box with a crazy quilt!
