Button painting tutorial


No bluebirds yet...

Just a quick progress report on "Bluebirds & Forget-me-nots" as it's going with me for today's seam building class...which I can see will be a favorite for me to teach..  No bluebirds as yet but I have used 3 different tiny blue flower beads and a precious piece of tiny  blue-flower trim on the upper right.

The majority of my work over the years went off in the mail for round robins but I had kept back some precious treasures for a when I did a project for myself and this cottage series is it... On the left is a exquisite angel on a heart created by Pat winter.. This will be its permanent home.

There were intensely cerise flowers (probably Monarda) in this cottage garden... I went over them quite heavily with a white colored pencil and am now stitching them over in shades of pink... Somewhere I have a little forget-me-not poem I did for Ati .  It would be perfect here but I can see it will be difficult to include it on this small block...


  1. Its so great when you finally find the perfect place for some special thing you have been saving. And, for me, I have tried on many different things to find a home for a special something and rejected them. But you just know when you have found its home. Have fun teaching today.

  2. I can see this is going to be wonderful, so worth saving for this your latest project

  3. This is lovely, Gerry. and the perfect home for your heart angel.
