Button painting tutorial


Let's talk turkey or what he don't know won't hurt him!

We were at a lovely gathering a couple weeks ago and the conversation turned to food preferences and my DH announced that he NEVER EVER eats chicken... After years of having dry rubbery chicken in his youth and in the navy,  he just never ate it again... Now we all know that chicken is a real stretcher of the food budget.

So if the truth be known my DH eats LOTS of chicken...  I just call it turkey... Every year during the holidays I buy a turkey and he bones the leftovers for the freezer...about 4-5 packages... He has never noticed that these few packages account for all the "turkey" dishes he eats the rest of the year...turkey lasagna,  turkey noodle casserole, turkey pot pie, turkey salad sandwiches, turkey noodle soup, turkey Florentine, turkey tetrazzini,  etc. etc. etc.

Tonight we are having manicotti stuffed with "turkey", ricotta cheese, chives and parmesan.


  1. Sneaky is good (grin). Can't find cheap chicken around here - tis cattle country and you are supposed to eat beef, or in a pinch, bison. I prefer bison but its really expensive. When I ask anywhere if they have chicken backs and necks for making stock, people just look at me like I'm speaking a foreign language - sigh.

  2. Aren't you just the clever one! I always used to tell Morey we were leaving for any event 20 minutes before the actual time ..... although habitually late, he was then always on time.

  3. This is too funny. Terry would know..he really would..But there's lot of OTHER stuff he DOESN'T know ~lol~

  4. You are so funny! I have one that refuses to eat sour cream. Yet it is in several of his favorite recipes that I make!:)

  5. love your turkey story, are you ever going to own up to him?

  6. Hilarious. My DH read this and had a very good chuckle. That turkey sure does go a long way...

  7. Hope he doesn't sneak a look at this post. lol
