Button painting tutorial


Courageous ladies are back and my new find!!!

After a long break I'm back working on my suffragette quilt... I will work on it the balance of each month after I finish a CQJP block... The hardest part   is done on all the blocks..

All that's left is the seam work and some beading.. The imagery and story are the focus of this quilt so there is very little extraneous decoration.. The seam work and beading mainly add texture and depth to the piece.. There are a lot of seams though and I hope to make every single one different and interesting.  I've started with the block with Emmeline Pankhurst on it as she is my favorite and the reason for the quilt.

Doesn't it look lovely with the needle book, the block, and the seam journal all coordinated???  But notice the box behind the block... I acquired it on Thursday at a quickie thrift store stop.. How can I help it when they opened a little thrift store across from my post office.. I am over the moon happy with it..

I work on our only table and occasionally it is necessary to move my stuff to eat or play cards or when my   stitching ladies come. What I had used to keep sorta organized (and easily transportable) are the little plastic baskets on the right.

I am delighted to replace the plastic trays with these lovely oriental stacking boxes which I can sit out singly when working or stack to move in a hurry.. It holds all my supplies for whatever the current project is... Thread in the top box and beads in the middle box and silk ribbons in the bottom box... Doesn't it  look  gorgeous besides?

Then as I kept stopping to admire my boxes as I bustled about the house I thought it would be great to have two for when I have two projects going as I do now and even greater to have one with a handle so I hopped on the internet and found this one that I could afford...   I saw them referred to as "wedding boxes" and "dim sum serving boxes".  Mine are plastic but of course my first choice was one of carved jade and rosewood... big dollars for that one.  I just love it when something is beautiful AND functional...


  1. A beautiful and useful find, and it's always fun to see a new thrift store open!

  2. a great buy from your thrift store, the quilt looks good as you say lots of stitching still to do.

  3. Simply lovely, the square one is an Oriental wedding box. Even if it is plastic it may have monetary value especially if it is bakelite. How to test for bakelite: http://www.worldint.com/science/bakelite.html

  4. More thrift shop envy. Firstly, I have to drive for 45 minutes to get to the closest one so having one beside your post office is way cool. Then, your stacking boxes are so much prettier than my wicker stacking basket workbox. I did make a cq lid for it but it would be much nicer to have the prettier ones. Mine sits by my chair and holds mostly tools that I don't use for every project but that I hate to have to go looking for when I need them. Usually my project supplies are in another wicker basket on the foot stool or the old typing table by my chair.

  5. More thrift shop envy. Firstly, I have to drive for 45 minutes to get to the closest one so having one beside your post office is way cool. Then, your stacking boxes are so much prettier than my wicker stacking basket workbox. I did make a cq lid for it but it would be much nicer to have the prettier ones. Mine sits by my chair and holds mostly tools that I don't use for every project but that I hate to have to go looking for when I need them. Usually my project supplies are in another wicker basket on the foot stool or the old typing table by my chair.
