Button painting tutorial


Back to my CQ Beginnings -next big project

I read with joy Allie's recent post... When she finishes her current book she is going to do a project with doilies and linens she has been given or purchased on ebay.  Her post plus a student asking how I got started in CQ has reminded me that I want to give my own CQ beginning another go...

For years, long before I even knew about crazy quilting, I collected damaged embroidered linens...I had no plan for them but I just couldn't bear to see them discarded.

There were pillowcases. tablecloths, doilies, and even hankerchiefs in additional to lots of crocheted pieces. All from the days when a home was not properly decorated unless every surface had a piece of needlework adorning it.

In the 80s I used to speak at garden shows and festivals.  Quite often we would also have a booth at these events so I made this vest from vintage linens for my DH to wear while working in the booth... I had just purchased a new sewing machine that could do lettering...and as you can see I was enjoying this new toy.  I thought he was really cute wearing it and he was a good sport when people wanted to "read" his chest..

Since I often spoke several times at these events I wanted something   I could wear every time and just slip over the casual clothes I wore in the booth... This jacket was actually my very first attempt at crazy quilting. I made it when I was going to speak at the International Heritage Rose Conference in Mebourne, Australia.. Over the years it was worn many times and had to be washed by hand... Now showing its years of service  it has become a keepsake.

These are garments were both  pieced entirely with  vintage embroidered linens.  Here are a few close ups..

Tips and Techniques for Assembling a CQ Garment

I put together full double-sized pages of helpful hints and techniques for assembling a crazy quilt garment using vintage linens... covering everything from supply list, preparation, and actual construction... 

It all applies to any garment you wish to make.... jacket, vest, apron, or jumper. Detailed closeups and simple-to-follow instructions.

These directions are now on my Esty site so now's your chance to make something really special with all those embroidered linens you've been collecting....especial those with a stain or damaged edge or two...

I still have a couple big bins of such vintage linens and when I finish my suffragette quilt I am going to drag them out and do some more projects with them...


  1. It is so hard to walk away from the old linens in thrift shops. I just think about the person who put all those hours and love into making them and want to take them home. I have depleted my supply now but your post has inspired me and I might just have to add....yet another....project to my "to be do" list.

  2. I just picked up some lovely items at the local second-hand shop where I am a regular customer. Some of these will have a place on my blocks for CQJP 2013. A friend just sent me a selection of vintage pieces, too.
    I shall look forward to your vintage project.

  3. I never seem to have the luck to find buys like other bloggers, maybe people hoard their possessions near where I live.
    Love DH`s waistcoat, and your jacket is beautiful

  4. That reminds me I already purchased that brochure from you and don't know where I put it. I have two huge laundry baskets full of embroidered linens, tablecloths, tatting, hankies, etc. waiting for a project. Can't decide which project!
