Button painting tutorial


Helina's block and "Crazy Quilt Gatherings" guidelines

Sometimes the first decisions seem minor but they can make a big difference later on... Putting laces, braids, ribbons on seams can change the look of the block...

In the left photo I placed the pink ribbon to the left of the seam and on the right I placed it to the right of the seam.. You can see what happens to the white patch... Since I want to do a wide seam I am leaving it on the right.

Next I wanted a small lace on the curved seam... In the left photo I put it on the outside of the curve and on the right it is on the inside of the curve. It will be much easier to do a wide seam on the outside of the curve (on the green) so I am leaving the lace on the right...on the inside and will embellish it as a separate seam...I will probably add a gold cording down that seam for glitz. I chose the wide lace upper right corner because of it's geometric qualities. It will be perfect as a guide for a dandy fancy wide seam...

You have seen lots of Pat's magazine in CQ blogs but so far no one has given you guidelines for reading it...
1. Read it from cover to cover... my page twice..
2. Go back and visit all the blogs of the contributors.. I knew most already but some were new... Loved Suzy Q.
3. Pour over all the ads and visit them... I found many sources new to me and have placed orders..
4. (the stage I'm at now) Take a magnifying glass and examine all the incredible details....
5. Buy extra copies for your friends as gifts and give them these guidelines... order here

DH left for a 30 mile-bike ride at 7am this morning and it is only 19 degrees F. He was hoping his bike mate would call and cancel. But not wanting to be the wimp, he went... But even though it's cold, the sun is shining and there's no wind... I bet he'll have a grand time. Meanwhile I should be cleaning house for Cathy's visit but I'm on the couch in the sun with my coffee, my dogs, my magnifying glass, and Pat's magazine...


  1. I can hardly wait for my copy of the magazine to arrive. The estimated arrived date was Tuesday but things always take longer to get here (near Edmonton, AB). But it's so stinking cold (-32 C) here I won't have any trouble curling up under my new wool comforter and savouring every little bit.

  2. Gerry,

    I just got my copy today and have already gone through it at least 3 times - love it!!! Loved seeing some more of your pretty buttons on your beautiful CQ!
