Button painting tutorial


Cathy and the barn!!!

This is me skipping about singing "Tomorrow, tomorrow!"

And here is pretty much the dialogue between DH and I about Cathy's visit...

DH: "Are you taking Cathy anywhere special while she's here?"

Me: "Of course I'm taking her out to the barn. I never let anyone into the barn."

DH: "Be serious I was thinking like going into town to see the falls or to Mt. Spokane."

Me: "I am serious...There are faithful readers of my blog that would die to get into my barn.. It's filled with treasures."

DH: "Gerry your barn is filled with junk.... Do you mean that she's buying an airline ticket and flying all the way from SLC and the highlight of her trip will be going out to your barn...."

Me: "Well no... I'm taking her to two of my favorite thrift stores also.."

Then he is rolling on the floor laughing uncontrollably..

DH: "Most of the junk in those thrift stores is junk from your barn...."


  1. Gerry~
    Love the picture!! LOL Yes I would fly out there to go to the barn and thrift stores !!! Sounds like tons of fun to me!! I am sure there are more goodies than "junk"!! Congrats on being in Crazy Quilt Gatherings! I love it!

  2. Have a blast and please pretty please post some pictures!

  3. Woo-hoo! You should have pictured two dancing ladies - one with your face and one with mine! I’m excited too!! Your barn will definitely be a high point. Poor Ron just does not understand. :-) I ‘ve packed more stitching stuff than clothes, but am saving room for any treasures we may sniff out! See you tomorrow! Hugs, Cathy

  4. You make me laughing loud with you picture and story :-D
    Enjoy the days with Cathy. Wonderful !!

  5. I agree with Karen and Allie. I have CQG magazine and Allie's new book. They are ALMOST as good as your barn! LOL Love the picture,wish I could dance like that!!

  6. Too funny I love your picture. Have fun!!

  7. Oh NuMom
    I NEED to see your barn too
    ( big pout)

  8. Just don't lose here in that barn. I am looking forward to seeing both of you in Ct. Have fun like only a couple of cqer's could.

    Maybe in your spare time you could teach Cathy how to dance.


