Button painting tutorial


Randy Andy lives for this day!!!

I had been giving Andy extra rations for several weeks to fatten him up for this big event... As I moved him from the ram pasture in with the ewes this is the first thing he saw and he charged across the field singing "Oh Happy Day!!!!!
Then he proceeded to make the rounds to check out all the girls. Yep! They were girls..... Andy's foreplay leaves something to be desired as he always reaches out with his front foot to give them a good kick to let them know that he's ready...
He will seldom stop to eat in this state of ecstasy and since the girls take their own sweet time to get in the mood, he spends entire days just chasing one after another and they all manage to stay just out of reach.. But they will eventually all succumb to his macho charm...kick and all.


  1. So funny...a great post! I love hearing about your farm and animals.

  2. How cute! I would love to own some sheep, (and goats, and chickens, and a pony) that's the life!

  3. To funny! I would love the farm life again.

  4. Maybe he kicks them to see if they'll give him a chase -- maybe he likes the feisty ones!!

  5. Andy is such a gentleman. How nice of him to give a warning kick.
    Too funny, I have tears running down my face.
