Button painting tutorial


Daffodil block

I finished the thistle flowers and I used three techniques. I put down a layer of long and short stitches, added long bullions over that and then tucked soft lavender beads in around the bullions. One of my favorite threads is silk by Waterlilies and this variegated color was hyacinth and perfect for thistle flowers. I then added a bee skep made of an odd gold cord and you know that, when finished, there will be little yellow and black bees flitting about...

I finished the evening by beading around 3 goldfinch buttons I painted and I will use them to fill in odd spots at the end... Now is a good time to take a break from this block... I can pick it up at any time now and work without decisions as I know what I want to do.

I'm anxious to work on my challenge block and my bead journal project for January. I also need to do the silkies for the encrusted block that will be mailed out next week...


  1. Honestly Gerry - I think looking at your work lowers my blood pressure! It should be prescribed by doctors!
    Your thistles look great - love the goldfinches of course too! What a gorgeous block this is turning out to be!

  2. This block just beautiful. It will be fun to watch it develop more. Thank you for faithfully documenting your work. It makes me feel like I'm stitching along with you .... and learning as I go. The thistles are great and I love the seam of daffodils. How ingenious to add a bead on the fargo rose to create a daffodil. Super!
    Susie W

  3. OMG, this is just so beautiful. A bit of spring to lift our spirits this winter! I love the skep and may "borrow" that idea in our Goldwork RR. What a glorious block!!! Hugs, Cathy (President of your Fan Club!)
