Button painting tutorial


Girl Talk!!!

Too my dismay the sport's bra I had worn and loved for years has been discontinued...so I have been trying out different brands... My first choice is to go braless but age and gravity have made that a unsightly option... I actually read the label on the latest and it said this bra has "bounce control"... Bounce control??? mine are likely to hit me in the chin if I bend over to fast...but bounce. This morning when I was doing chores I kept checking to see if I was bouncing....no... Asked my HWCH's opinion and he just rolled his eyes and shook his head....I don't think he even cares anymore if I'm bouncy!!!


  1. OMG thanks for the giggle!! Isn't aging fun, then add weight loss to it and you can tell what my girls are doing!!! LOL

  2. Gerry this made me laugh..but for the simple reason that I was talking with my dh this morning saying 'geez I need to find a new bra...the ones I have are no longer working, I do believe they are getting heavy....Let me know if you get a good sports one cause I am in the market also...thanks for the chuckle. My DH does not see why this is suc a problem....

    Sharon G

  3. thats all i wear anymore are sports bras...cant stand anything else :) i chuckled at your post, of course, in my case, you actually have to have something to bounce in the first place. happy new year...and happy bra shopping!

  4. There's always duct tape....

    word verification: "elype"-exclamation usually made by someone removing their duct tape sports bra

  5. I commented on this post, but it seems to have disappeared. so I'm saying again, you made me LOL with your lovely story.
