Button painting tutorial


Time to step back and look!!!

I am at the point now I need to step back and see where I'm at and what needs to be done to finish these squares.. Yes I'm actually at the point that I can envision the final result.... First on the back I did a spider web which looks more like a fan so will extend and modify it a bit. Ordered some spider charms and want to try Janet's lovely bees... I beaded around Lauri's cab and beaded the lace at the bottom. I treaded lightly on the cascading lace only adding an outline in gold. I need to add leaves to all the branches and some old buttons.. I had wanted to do some art deco design in the lower right but not enough room so am adding an old cloisonne butterfly there.... Need to bead the lace where the blue X is. I'll save the art deco motifs for the end pieces...
On the front I added a seam under the MOP butterfly and the "love my Singer" motif.... Want to add a floral (mum) arrangement (where I marked) using technique from Helen Eriksson book and a smallish dragonfly in this area also. Will add a filigree fan to the left of my grandmother and bead the laces in the corners. I have been undecided on whether to bead the frame or not but it's so "right" with the photo that I may not (or tread lightly on it anyway). Again I have some more old jewelry to add and several cool button including an antique Dorset button I bought years ago in an Amsterdam button shop... I love the feeling when it' all coming together...

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