Button painting tutorial


Doll making

Emmeline Pankhurst 1858-1928

I stopped making dolls because I had become absolutely obsessed with detail. This is one of the last dolls I made and it was inspired by Emmeline Pankhurst, a famous English suffragette. She was an activist and often chained herself to Parliment doors and to posts in front of men's club (hence the chain and padlock). Not only was she a vital force in England, she raised 2 daughters who were active in the American suffragette movement. I made this doll for myself and she is one of my very favorites. .only 18" tall More about her: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/WpankhurstE.mmeline

I sculpted her head with paperclay. I loved working with paperclay and the soft look of a finished piece ..very different from the plastic look using polymer clays... I researched costumes, beaded the purse, make the shoes with silver buckles, and even collected hundreds of quotes by famous women and made the leather bound book with 6 point type. Is that obsessive or what..? This is for you Carolyn Rapstine


  1. Hi Gerry, I had to enlarge the photos to see all the tiny beautiful details. Fantastic !!

  2. That doll is breathtaking! In addition to being a very talented stitcher, you're also a marvelous sculptor! I *adore* the details, although I do understand the need to get away from such nit-picky work for awhile. You have a fabulous talent for doll making, though.
