Button painting tutorial


Recipe for Christmas

I had the kindest, sweetest, most loving mother-in-law in the world. I adored her and so did everyone who knew her.. She would have been 100 years old if she had lived. Her specialty was Sour Cream Rolls. I did this watercolor of her to pass on her recipe to her many grandchildren. Then there were requests from nieces, nephews. and now great grandchildren. This was done before scrapbooking and computers but would be a great way to pass a favorite recipe in your family.

On the right are general statistics of her life plus the important fact that she never ate a dark piece of chicken in her life. On the left is the following anecdote that truly portrays her gentle soul:

While taking communion one Sunday, Mary found the host dry and impossible to swallow. She wrapped it in a tissue, took it home and agonized what to do with the holy bread. Finally she put it in a tree for the birds. A shocked friend scolded her for being sacrilegious. This weighed heavily on Mary so she went to confess her sin. To her relief the priest's response was "Mary, you did good!"

My own sour cream rolls never quite measured up in my husband's eyes, but now that Mary is gone, my sour cream rolls are looking better every year.....


  1. Love this idea Gerry, what a wonderful way to display her pic and her receipe.

  2. Oh Gerry, I love this idea. I only wish I could paint...but I do think I might be able to artify a photo....I really enjoyed this post.
