Button painting tutorial


Fancy Victorian Pincushion

Voila!!! From a pile of bits and pieces emerges Cathy's pincushion..... I'll put my picture in the locket so you remember it's creator!!!! The fabric of the cushion itself is vintage and the ribbons and beads were purchased in Denver on the wonderful retreat...

My inspiration for tall pincushions came from a picture of tall antique pincushion pictured in Victoria magazine before it went out of business. (It's now being published again.) I was always looking for my cushions buried in the sewing clutter. The tall beauties rise above it all.....


  1. OMG, Gerry, you not only do beautiful work, but you do it FAST!! It is incredibly lovely. Please DO put your picture in the locket, my dear friend! I'll be waiting at the mailbox in anticipation! Thank you soooooo much! Love & hugs, Cathy

  2. It is wonderful, Gerry!
    Have you lost Cathy's mail address? I can give you mine!

  3. This is fabulous - I wish I had known you when my daughter lived in Spokane!

  4. oh MY! I can't believe how gorgeously sumptuous that pincushion is. Just stopped by to thank you for visiting my blog, Getting to Crazy, and leaving your kind comment.
