Button painting tutorial


A party to r remember

Recently we received an invitation to a Christmas party. DH has to read everything to me and get it on our  calendar.  He read me the date, the time, that we were supposed to bring a food item, and--last but not least--we were to bring a white elephant gift.

 Now, from my life experience, a white elephant gift is something that is inexpensive, insubstantial,    and part of a party game.  So I made a salmon spread,  dressed up in my Christmas finery, and thought about  a whitrf elephant  gift.

 I still had  three lovely  Honeynut squashes from my ganden.  Relunctantly  I would be willing to share one of them with someone.  So I polished it all up and put it in a fancy bag and we started off to the party.

 All went well until it was time to do the gift game.  As people begin opening the white elephant gifts, it was immediately evident that I was unaware of something very important.  All the gifts were neither insubstantial nor inexpensive.   I looked over at my  husband and he said “Oops. I forgot to tell you that the gift was supposed to be  $20.”  As I watched gift after gift being opened, I sank  lower into my chair.  Luckily, a friend  opened my squash and expressed great joy.    I immediately decided I was going to have to make it up to her. 

 I had the highest number and was the last person to pick a gift. There was only  only one gift left and it was a small red gift bag.  When opened, it was an Amazon gift card for for $50.  So, someone else had misread their invitation.  But it made me doubly embarrassed. I not only brought the cheapest gift. I went home with  the most expensive gift. But all’s well that ends well, because when we entered the gift card code it said it was invalid and had been already redeemed.  It turns out that my beautiful squash was the most prescious gift of all.




  1. Christmas always presents a little magic. It is up to us to see it! Happy to find you are posting as your thoughts are very welcome. Miss you at the Bridge table but happy to see you engaged in the stream of things that make one happy. Have had many surprises at the White Elephant exchange in years past. Merry Christmas!

  2. I have limited experience with white elephant exchanges, but I suspect I'd much rather get a tasty squash than most of the other items. An expired gift card?!?! That's just tacky, even if the gift was supposed to cost nothing.

    I'm glad you had a good time anyway.

  3. My experience with white elephant gifts are the same as yours. Frankly I don't like exchanging gifts at those types of events. I'd rather by myself my own gift. I once gave a gift card away and it too didn't have any money on it. Ever since then I get a copy of the receipt when I purchase it and give that to the recipient as well. I believe, in my case, the cashier didn't know how to load the money on the card and thought they completed the task. I didn't find out till months later that there wasn't anything on the card and by then it was too late to do anything. I wonder if that happened to you. I hope there was good food at the party :)

    Sass Barton
