Button painting tutorial


magical, awesome, marvelous, magnification machine

My magnificent, magical, awesome, marvel
ous, magnification  machine  arrived yesterday.  I knew from early summer that I was in line to use it.  I had been anxiously awaiting its arrival.  The model is Acrobat  and it's made by Enhanced Vision, which makes a large variety of aids for the vision impaired.  It has a camera that projects on a screen. The screen has great magnification ability.  I'm anxious to start trying to learn all it can do. 

I have it on loan from Lilac City Services for the Blind.  I sing their praises often.  I was curious what other clients used it for and was told that it was used mostly for reading.  Most people  give up trying to use it for handwork.  

It's a specific skill to be able to work with your hands while looking at a screen.  I  figure I have an advantage because I worked with magnification for so many years when I was painting buttons. It has come at the perfect time.  Work in the garden is winding down. and long dark days are looming ahead.

When I meet someone who has been diagnosed with macular or has a friend or family member diagnosed with the disease, I urge them to contact Lilac City Services for the Blind.  If they are not in this area, seek out the resources they do have available.  Invariably the response is that the person in need is not quite ready to get help.  Of course, the time to seek sources is before you need them.  Everything is so much harder if you wait until you need help.
I will be posting my progress with my lovely machine as I get used to it. I have high hopes that it's going to change my life.

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