Button painting tutorial


The BIG project

When I say BIG!!! it is not so much in size but in the massive amount of effort it has morphed into.  I wanted the side garden to be a spot for my collection of peonies...rather a simple straight forward project in the  beginning. 

 I started digging out sod and digging out sod and am finally seeing there might be an end of digging but until the end of summer of the sifting. Same technique with saw and sifting soil except there is just so much of it. It was going to be a small patch on the side of the house and I was going to have the gate moved over eight feet.

The fence company wanted $850 to move the gate so I reversed the way the gate opened, enlarged the size of the bed and added a path.

 The reason it is taking so long to finish is our farm has not sold.  Several people have been interested and even made offers but when the house inspection is done they back away.....so I am watering, spraying, and weeding at both the new house AND at the farm.  We are selling it as is and it is 116 years old and of course it has "issues." And the virus lockdown has added to all the delays... I try not to think about it  before I go to bed as I only fret all night.

On a brighter note is this bit of green.  I took a root cutting from a rose at the farm at the beginning of April and had thought it was never going to sprout but 4 months later this bit of leaf has shown itself....cause for celebration.


  1. We moved from Indiana to California and knew we would have a time selling our home. We told my daughter she could live in it and pay only the amount I need to pay taxes. She is doing renovations we could not afford to do so I guess it worked out. At least I don't have to worry about it at night.

    I'm getting old. I can't believe the cost of having even the smallest thing done at the new house. These contractors think we are millionairres.

    Stay well.
    xx, Carol

  2. I suppose contractors are charging a lot these days because people are at home more and seeing things they want changed. There's most likely a huge demand for their services and they can charge accordingly. Sorry that the farm hasn't sold.
