Button painting tutorial


Had help planting from birds and squirrels

In the winter when we moved here I could see all these small trees between our fence and the post office fence.  There is only about the space of 12-15" between the fences.  I had no idea what they were and how they got there.

But when spring came they were covered with blossoms and smelled heavenly.  Now they are leafed out and covered with little blue berries and alive with birds.  They are serviceberry trees and must have been planted by the birds. If you look closely you can see how nicely my new clematis are growing.  At the last count I have planted 28 clematis along the fence and they will eventually be a wall of blooms each year.

But not only were the birds busy the squirrels were also.. About a block away are several walnut trees and neighbors find walnuts buried everywhere.  And again between the fences behind our house is a young walnut about 8-10 years old and only a squirrel would plant a walnut tree in such an inhospitable spot.

When I started cleaning around and under the deck I not only found buried walnuts I found three that had sprouted and on their way to becoming trees. 

We  put up a bird  feeder for sunflower seeds when we moved in and also a birdbath so  are so pleased to be well on our way to a bird haven.  Today I put up a wren house and it will be ready and waiting for spring....

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