Button painting tutorial


Naked arm!!!

The cast came off this morning and does it ever feel good.  I have to admit that I'm surprised that it is still so swollen and sore... But the doctor said as I exercise and use it the swelling and pain will go away.

And as I had figured I was just barely able to finish the beaded robin....in fact it was about 10 o'clock last night.  May someone pour a bucket of cold water on my head if I ever pick up a beading needle again.  But I am glad it's done and I will finish it in a book form I believe....  that's the plan at the moment anyway.

It was a glorious day when we got home from the doctors and DH volunteered to help me clean out the garden and harvest the winter squash... I have enough squash for us, our chickens, our friends, and the food bank as well.. Although I just planted spaghetti squash I seem to have ended up with some green ones and some cross pollinated as well.  It is such a treat for the chickens in the winter.

Tackling long neglected projects  seems to be the order of the day as of late.  Years ago I found some lovely tapestry fabric at the thrift store to cover my dining room chairs.

They badly needed to be recovered but I also wanted to paint them in the barn and that needed to be done when they were all unassembled..... Since this is probably going to be the last week of nice weather, if I didn't do them now it would have to wait until spring.  So I bit the bullet and tore them all apart and there is no going back.


  1. Glad your cast if off and that you are able to tackle projects.

    Your beaded needlework piece is wonderful!!!

    Happy Fall ~ FlowerLady

  2. Glad to see you got your cast off! Must be a real relief. The soreness isn’t holding you back.

  3. Love your spunk, Gerry .... and all the cool projects you take on.
    Just curious ... did you paint your laundry room door yet? ... no rush!!! lol
    The saga of Gerry and her DIY projects ... it's like a good book you can't put down.
    You are an inspiration to us all. Hugs and have a great day!!

  4. Yay! So happy the cast is gone and you can return to doing the things you enjoy. Your robin turned out beautifully - I think it's my favourite of them all.
