Button painting tutorial


CQ Theme blocks for the bold and the brave.

Using one or two bold graphic fabrics in a block is a challenger but to do a entire CQ block with bold prints and make it work is something to behold...  Not only did Cathy Kizarian do one block with bold prints but an entire quilt  "African Images"...and it works beautifully.  The quilt speaks for itself but I do want to point out just a few things.

The orange is obviously the power color and the color that moves your eye around the block...and again there is a lovely quiet space around the focal point...the black around the giraffe....

but Cathy has actually used the directional patterns  in the print to also work a path around the block.
There is one bit of clever whimsy that I don't want you to miss.  The patch upper left of the giraffe repeats all the colors of giraffe patch and Cathy has cleverly put in the little vine that connects the two patches and a bite for the giraffe.. I love it.

And as you look throughout the quilt notice how the embellishments work beautifully with the bold fabrics they are paired with....
This next block has patches that coordinate....perfect harmony
The linier elements are repeated throughout the block..  I picked just a few.
Besides the fabrics with lines she chose elements with bold graphic shapes such as the ones I circled plus the band of fringe which echoes the headband on the woman.

See how different the block would look without these additions.
Here is the entire quilt... You can see more blocks at Cathy's blog by typing in African in the search box and the entire quilt on this link.


  1. Thank you so much for the explanation about this quilt. I have seen this quilt hanging in Bruce's "man cave" and just loved it, but now, with your explanation, I can understand why I loved it. Everything Cathy does looks "just right" but I never actually thought about how she might have decided where to place what, directional flow, etc. This blog entry is so full of good information. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts. I'm glad you survived your eye hiatus! Keep sharing your wonderful thoughts on cq, garden, life, etc. I check your blog every single day to see what's cookin'!
    Hugs from Utah, Bev

  2. love seeing these Gerry and this is an awesome piece for sure Thanks again for sharing with us so much of your talent xoxoxo

  3. I really love this one! I remember seeing it on Cathy's blog and it's wonderful to re-visit it and to see some of the reasons why I liked it so much in the first place. I did an African-themed wallhanging several years ago and I think it was inspired by Cathy's.

  4. I love Cathy's stitching and I love bold colours with black so this one really makes me smile. Nice to see you have recovered and are posting again :)

  5. Hi Gerry. Great Post. Cathy's quilt is one of my all time favorites. I love her stitching and I love the color scheme.
    xx, Carol

  6. Thanks for the link for the quilt. It definitely needs further study. I know I want to make something like this in the future. Thanks for breaking it down for us. I have made notes to help me put mine together. Actually I think I will just print out the entire post. Maybe some African themed button might be in your future?

  7. I hope you continue to do "block talk". I see blocks that I liked the first time I saw them. Now I can find out why. Makes me think when I do my blocks.
