Button painting tutorial


The garden has begun - lace cottage tutorial - part 6

Well I "planting" my cottage's garden...starting anyway.  I have no plan and just grabbing colors as the spirit moves me.
 I dry brushed some dark green fabric paint where I want the back shrubbery... Adding the color will mean less French knots.

I also found a piece of inexpensive nylon lace and cut a strip for the lace and I will leave the lower edge raw.

I'm using the silk ribbon I dyed last summer.  I love it but don't have enough colors.  I am going to dye and overdye a lot of ribbon this summer.  Unfortunately the big storm last fall blew the top off my greenhouse so I will miss having the dry sheltered work space.  It is too expensive and too much work to replace it.

I'm also using perle instead of floss.

Remember these gardens by picket fences that were my inspiration...  One had the garden mostly inside the fence and the other had the garden mostly outside the fence.  I want my garden BOTH INSIDE AND OUTSIDE the fence... like Bette Midler, I want it all.

We are going to Seattle this weekend to a granddaughter's graduation and this little garden gives me something relaxed and easy to work on.  Hope to have it done by the time I get back.  The whole piece is only 6" by 6"....


  1. Hi Gerry,
    Thanks for all the great tutorials. I just love your blog - you are so talented. I don't have a lot of time to embroider since I started working, but still fantasize about the many projects that I could make with my stash. I remember reading on your blog about some special pens you use to draw with when embroidering (birds, I think) and now can't find the post where you refer to them. Could you tell me what kind of pens they were? I remember you saying you used them all the time and they show up on almost any fabric type. Hope I have described them well enough that you know what I am talking about....

  2. Wanting it all in this case is a great plan. The best kind of garden is one that spills all over and doesn't have a lot of structure. My favourite!

  3. what a pretty garden you are about to add to your lovely cottage, like you I like perle thread rather than stranded trouble is here you can only buy it on line no shops locally seem to stock it, I use DMC but checking the other day I see they have discontinued loads of the colours what a pain! Seems no varigated which I wanted exists anymore, will have to check out another make

  4. Your cottage is really taking shape. The garden will just be the perfect finish. I'm anxious to see it progress.
