Button painting tutorial


Junque if it's mine, Junk if it somebody else's!

One site defines "junque" as upscale treasures repurposed..... I not only have a barn full of junque, I have it scattered here and there throughout the abandoned part of the garden.  I am always trying to salvage it and find a spot that I can enjoy it.  Some of it, like old farm machinery, is too hard to move but this gardening angel needed a new home.  I brought her to the house last summer and then couldn't decide where to put her.

So Saturday I had to braced up the gate posts on my garden and decided that would be a good use for her.  With difficulty I drilled 6 holes in the sheet metal to ensure she was firmly attached to the posts.  I didn't want to open the gate and have her fall on me as she is very heavy...  I wouldn't want my tombstone to read "decapitated by an angel."

And in  one hand she has the wand with the star and in the other hand she has the word "grow"...  Oops!! after she was all drilled and mounted I realized the way I positioned her it was  backwards...  Oh well...

The gate itself has been in use there for years... it is the headboard of an old iron crib fortified with wire.

There will be few, if any beans, but the squash and tomatoes  are doing well and set to take off as soon as the warm weather hits.

I had covered my peas with shade cloth to protect them and it worked and I keep it tucked around the bottom just for safe measure.  I am getting a bumper crop of peas and each morning Morris and I go out and spend about 20 minutes picking and sharing peas for breakfast.  I should say I pick and he shares.

Morris loves his veggies...especially carrots and celery and now new peas....

He has matured into a most loving companion... We are having a terrible tick season and spend lots of time checking for ticks.. Morris thinks it's  extra loving and just lays back and enjoys it.

I am spending yet another day waiting in vain for yet another person to come and cut up my dead trees downed in last fall's storm.  And the phone number he gave me doesn't work.

  If it weren't so frustrating it would be comical.  They don't come when they say or they come and have equipment problems... Bigger companies think the job is too small and independents are undependable.. This big tree split when it fell and managed to miss the gazebo... There are about 9 big trees down.

We were out of town to visit some grandchildren and then other grandchildren came to visit....it has been a very busy month... And I had a terrible time with the shots in my eyes so very little stitching is getting done.  I did get the ribbon ruched to frame the cottage and it is waiting for me to get back to it...


  1. your angel looks great so high up keeping her eye on your land, maybe she will guard against any more trees coming down. Hope you get someone to deal with them soon you certainly will not be short of fire wood. The cottage looks so beautiful

  2. I am wondering if those trees would make good firewood? Here in Northern Indiana there are tons of people that look for free stuff.. They will haul off stuff to sell to the recycle place. Cut trees for the wood. Take old furniture you put by the road. Maybe those independents just aren't hungry enough.

    Your angel is perfect. Even if grow is backwards, it just adds to her character.
    xx, Carol

  3. What a perfect spot for your angel. She looks just right up there. I think the best birthday gift I ever received was when my girlfriend was going out of town and asked if I would go pick the last of her peas. So about 5 am on my birthday I started off for the 30 mile drive. It was a perfect morning - sunshine and bright blue sky. When I was going down the hill into Grand Forks, the sun was sparkling on the sprinklers in the hay fields - twas magical. I went early because it was going to be stinking hot. When I got home DH shelled the peas for me so we shared them - I ate mine raw and I relented and cooked his. I hate it when people don't show up....its like they think their time is more valuable than yours. So rude. And they don't even bother to phone and let you know they can't make it most of the time so you are left hanging and waiting when you might have done something else....pet peeve of mine. I have ventured into gardening - I have 4 bags on my deck with potatoes in them (grin). And in the fall I'm going to plant garlic in the bathtub on my front lawn.

  4. Your angel looks wonderful - and she is mounted right way too - it just depends on which side of the gate you're on!

  5. Your having trouble keeping up with all the outside stuff like us! I keep thinking this is to much but I love it all like you do! Your Cottage picture framed the that gorgeous ribbon is outstanding!

  6. LOVE LOVE the angel gate!! One of my very first clippings from your blog was the small hut (telephone booth) made from old window panes. YOu are so very good at creative uses for old bits. *sigh* How ARE those eyes?
