Button painting tutorial


And the winner is ......

The winner of the button is Carol (Beads and Buttons)  and I am sending a 2nd place to  Heather...but I don't have their last names.. 

I really thank everyone who left comments.  It is great fun to blog when there I know people are reading it...

Blogger makes it harder to respond to comments and next time I will do it differently..



  1. Congratulations Carol and Heather! Gerry, what a great giveaway. Thank you!

  2. Congratulations to Carol & Heather - they are going to be so happy to own a little piece of your art.

  3. lucky winners yes blogger is a pain do not get as many comments as I used to though still doing my blog such a shame though wonder if followers still read it but do not comment or do not bother looking anymore

  4. OMGosh Gerry, Thank you for drawing my name. I have bought a couple of your buttons in the past. I shouldn't admit this to you, but they are like that favorite fabric you hate to cut up. I put a staple through the back holes and poked them in my cork board above my desk so I can look at them. I speak to the crow all the time, lol.

    xx, Carol
