Button painting tutorial


My jaws are tight....

I had a friend once who used that expression when she was upset about a situation that was better ignored than confronted... and this week my jaws have been tight.

Twenty six years ago I planted over 5000 trees and have this 20 acre absolutely joyous forest... I walk in it most every day with the dogs and every day it is different.....the light, the smell, the wildlife, etc.

But all the snow is gone now and most if this week I have been picking up trash....yes! trash in my lovely forest.

I took this aerial photo of my forest from the  Google maps on the internet.  I check every few months as I love to watch it change.. You can see our house, barn etc. lower right.  The open space lower left were the sheep pastures.

And this Google's aerial photo is my neighbor's farm.   If it looks like this from a plane or satellite you can imagine what it is like close up.  Whenever we have a big wind storm lots of it blows into my forest.  So all this week I have been "forest cleaning" with tight jaws.


  1. Awful! you have all my compassion! some people make the world a better and lovelier place, like you and others...well, better not say anything!

  2. Some people are just pigs! Is this the same neighbour that shot the deer? I'm surprised you're not chewing rocks, not just tight-jawed

  3. We have the same problem. Always picking up the neighbors trash when the wind blows!

  4. Oh , Gerry how annoying! Some people have no manners and cant be taught!
    Our "trouble" neighboor keeps his piles of junk under 2 large tents and a half finished 20x30 garage, its an eyesore but not a traveling one. The worst i get are the weeds which i pull and throw back over the fence at him.

  5. I would be tempted to put up a chicken wire fence that would catch all the trash and keep it on his side.

  6. I think my jaw would be more than tight! Unfortunately you can't choose your neighbors. At least you have your lovely trees to act as a screen .
