Button painting tutorial


Charting new waters....

Charting new waters or wading in over my head.  I'm about to start the waxwing and they have such a soft smooth look that I want to use layers of tulle and keep it simple.  On this frog from the gold RR I used lace over several layers of tulle.  The lace has been cut away and he is ready to cut out but you can still see the tulle.

On this perfume bottle I tried netting over about 4 layers of tulle and lame....  This was from the same round robin.

So on the waxing it's only going to be only tulle...4 layers - two different colors.  To keep it spare I will only use the tiniest of my gold beads for the shading and the smallest cording to secure it.  That is the plan A anyway...should work..  hope not to  have to find a plan B...(or C).

I have picked the lace for the wing and painted it gold. I will pin down all layers of tulle and work through all layers and not cut away the tulle until it is entirely done...

Had a spectacular sunset last night. 


  1. Hope plan A works out - waxwings are so smooth. Absolutely gorgeous sunset. Thanks for sharing

  2. That is a very spectacular sunset!! Looking forward to seeing your progression on the waxwing , and hoping you won't have to progress to plan B or C.

  3. such beautifully made pieces. An amazing sunset or maybe sunrise you have shared too

  4. I love that perfume bottle.

    Have a happy, creative week ~ FlowerLady
