Button painting tutorial


Taming Carole Samples templates

(Update 7/15 - I have been using this system for my Carole Samples templates for about 4 years now and wouldn't change a thing...  It was well worth the effort )

 I'd always kept my Carole Samples templates on a big ring as suggested but it was difficult finding a number and awkward to put them on and off the ring in order.. When I got to her class I looked around to see what others were using but it was rings everywhere I looked ..Plus the black marker numbers were hard to read on the purple templates.. So I knew I had to have a system that was user friendly to ME!!

So I set about to work out a color-coded system with rainbow colors...  I divided the templates into subgroups with 5 to a group.... 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, etc.  First I tried colored pearl cotton on each template and it probably would work but I wasn't satisfied...

I decided that I wanted to use colored tape but didn't want to buy seven rolls for just a few inches of tape so I did the colored rectangles on my computer and printed them on a sheet of good quality labels.. I divided each rectangle into 5 approx. pieces 1/2" x 2"   and put the numbers in order by color.. starting at one end of the rainbow ....red

The hole  for a metal ring was covered by the tape but I could punch it through... But I don't see ever putting these on a ring again.. They are so easy to sort and read this way.... Eventually I will make them a travel roll but I will use them at home 99% of the time... What I need now is an color-coded organizer for the drawer and that is next on the list..

Even gathered in a bunch you can see how easy they will be to sort... Sorry it's out of focus... trying to hold camera with one hand while photographing the other is a bit shaky.... Near the middle you will notice a blue label with a tiny white strip on it also...  I am starting to add that extra strip  to my favorites (about 12 so far) to make them even easier to find...

Now that part of the problem was solved I needed a way to see all the configurations at once to make design decisions... So I put all the templates on the scanner with their new lovely colors...

I divided them into groups, scanned them,  and reduced them so each color group would fit on a 4x6  index card... These cards will be laminated and put on a metal ring... I did reduce them further and got them ALL on one 4x6 card but they may be too reduced to be usable....but worth a try..

This is a work in progress and will need some fine tuning but I am loving it so far...  I should be able to study the cards and snap out the right template in seconds.....

And I made progress on my project for Miss Carole's templates... I found the perfect divided pencil box at JoAnn's.  It is very shallow and has a lid that snaps on... I added some rainbow colors to the section which matched the colors on the groups of templates.  I also finish and laminated the cards which are also coordinated and on a ring.. Once I find an  template in a glance  on a card, I can find it in two seconds in the tray...

I can either use the tray on the table when I am drafting seams but since it fits perfectly in the drawer next to my sewing table... I'm thinking that's its main location... I can snap on the lid for travel but the idea of a CQ travel case is definitely in the future.... not the near future tho...  I just love my new system... and it will make using the templates so much easier...


  1. What a great system!! I think I'll have to borrow your idea for mine! thanks for sharing, Gerry.

  2. What a great idea. Compact, easy to use and then tuck away. We are finally getting some much needed rain the last few days. Although last night could have been just a nice, gentle rain, not a howling gale. I think its too late for many of the farmers though.

  3. Can these templates be bought commercially?

    It looks like you have figured out a great system for storing them.


  4. Oh dear - now I am coveting those templates!!! I have the ones that Sharon Boggon sells and I love them, but I think I would like to add to my possibilities with these as well. Now, to just win the lottery.....

  5. so envious would love some of these but do not think they are still on sale,

  6. I am hoping your system works as well for me! You are correct, it was quite a bit of work, even punching the templates out took some time. I just received my templates 2 weeks ago and this is where to request an order form from Miss Carole herself: fancwerx@inebraska.com
    I was lucky enough to have a friend scan and send me the order form which saved some time; I did email and make sure the shipping was correct before sending her a check. There is no Paypal or credit card sales. If anyone is interested, send me an email and I would be glad to scan my form and send it to you. Thanks again Gerry for the organizing system!

  7. I find I rarely use my templates because they are on the ring and so unwieldy. I should work up something like this for them. Thanks for posting your well-thought-out solution!

  8. They are still available, I just received mine a couple weeks ago and spent last weekend setting up Gerry's organizing system.You can request an order form from Miss Carole herself at: fancwerx@inebraska.com
    Thanks, Gerry for your wonderful blog and all that you share with the rest of us!
