Button painting tutorial


When all else fails just put a needle in

Besides the fact I have serious stitcher's block and can't get into this piece, I feel I really need to finish it before I can clear my mind and move forward again....It has been laying around much too long and I need to finish it or abandon it.
 The foreground tree was the problem when I set it aside two years ago and it still is.  But sometimes I just need to put thread in a needle and start anywhere.  I did that the last couple days doing a lot of unnoticeable stitching on the trees in the background.  Then I put it in the computer and did some fiddling.  The problem was the area  (outlined in pink)above the   tree was all the same colors and the tree still wasn't large enough and still undefined.  It needs to really dominate that space and balance the cottage offset on the other side.
Once I added a much brighter green it was better.  Then moving the top of the tree into fence helped define it....  Now I can get moving again.  The ribbon leaves on the trees go slowly.  The foreground will go more quickly because it will be lots of lace and silk flowers... hopefully.
And we are getting tails feathers.....


  1. awwww - such cute little tails!!! Gotta love baby chickens. Sorry that you've been struggling with your block and hope you get it figured out so you can move onto something else that inspires you more.

  2. I just finished off a block I started about 2 years ago. I had hit the wall with only 3 or 4 seams left to go but just couldn't think of anything. Sometimes things just need to age to the right stage. I dug it out the other day and in a couple of hours had it all done. And I've got it started into a sewing machine cover for the 201 so I don't have to put the bentwood case on it all the time. The chick are getting big - they grow so fast.

  3. Very lovely scene, you've done awesome! I love it!

  4. this is coming along beautifully, so glad you have decided to complete it

  5. so glad you wrote abaout stitcher block, I thought I was the only one that had that. All winter I seemed not to be able to get in the swing but thankfully I am now into sewing a new block. I must say that your blog gives me so much inspiration.

  6. What a beautiful scene you are creating. All the little details that you've added are simply amazing!

    I've recently started a weekly Stitchery Link Party for all things hand embroidered and I would love to have you come link up this post so that my readers can come enjoy it too. http://www.supermomnocape.com/2015/05/18/vintage-embroidery-monday-stitchery-link-party-6/ I do hope you'll come join in.

  7. Those tail feathers are pure delight!! And you're just brilliant! Giving that tree some growth fertilizer was the perfect idea!!
