Button painting tutorial


March CQJP 2015 done

Again two ribbon seams...both using 2 ribbons folded together.  Also I am really happy with the paisley on this one.. One of my hand painted buttons is the finishing touch...

April is 98% done so you can see four of them together.  I love it that they all completely different and work so well together.  I have something for lower left on April but can't remember where I put it....sound familiar?


  1. They are looking great - I can't even pick out one I like best - I love them all. I really, really want to dig out the ribbon folding book and get started but I don't dare until I get a few more things done - sigh

  2. this is going to rival your women's sufferage quilt!

  3. Just wondering, I know what your pieced blocks looked like before you embellished them... basically they are treated like just the foundation - you design the block as you go with the lace and ribbon treatment on top, ignoring/not focusing on the pieced blocks themselves. I hope I made sense with my thought! :)

    All good intentions,
