Button painting tutorial


Skills for the CQJP 2015

Addendum:  Here are a couple websites with tutorials... 

I picked 2 skills to improve as a personal challenge  during the CQJP2015.... One   I had for 2012 but going further with it... ribbon trim folding..  I fell in love the first time I saw ribbon manipulated for trim and it was a display by Candace King and unfortunately it wasn't the class she was offering...

 She does have a schedule of where she teaches. I would love to take her ribbon folding class and Candace does get to Seattle several times a year but the class and my schedule have never worked.   I love these trims because they are so unique and can be done with inexpensive ribbon..  When you do them for CQ there is the bonus that you can do them with a small amount of ribbon...

I  determined that they are my #1 skill for my  CQJP2015 blocks.

 I did buy a book, "Ribbon Trims" by Nancy Nehring to try my hand at it in 2012 and I did do three folded ribbon trims in the Morris book...

I could handle the easy ones in the book but I have to admit I had trouble following her directions for the trims she had marked as "challenging"..  I'm taking the book with me when I see Susie again and see if between the two of us, we can get some more figured out...

The second skill is going to be paisleys of all types.  Paisleys (Persian Pickles) arrived in the US via Scotland in 1888 and were immediately embraced by crazy quilters.    I have done a few over the years but this year is going to be studying them in depth... I can see this developing into a major tutorial.

This is Betty Pillsbury's award winning quilt entitled "Paisley" and you can see two prominent ones on it...


  1. Would love to learn how to do that folded ribbbon your samples are so pretty

  2. Oh my, oh my, I've never seen ribbon folding for trims before. I have Candace's The Artful Ribbon and want to do some flowers from it but I really like the trims. If you find any books that are really clear, maybe by her, please let me know.

  3. Taking a simple straight piece of ribbon and creating these luxurious folded bits is brilliant. Your 2015 will be amazing dear. Blessings...

  4. I had no idea so much could be done with ribbon, to be honest i am not a ribbon fan but these look interesting I do love paisley, maybe because my Mum had scottish blood and it is in the genes

  5. Wow!! Those folded ribbon trims look amazing. Now you've got me wanting to try my hand at that. Thank you for the links

    I love paisleys. Hubby and I both, from our teen years in the 60's. :-)

    That quilt is beautiful!

    Happy Creating in 2015 ~ FlowerLady

  6. the ribbon folds are amazing. I will be extremely interested to see what you do with paisley.
    xx, Carol

  7. What neat ribbon art! Happy New Years dear Blog Friend! Marlynne Snare Folk Artist.

  8. What a good idea for your CQJP. I'm sure it will be beautiful.

  9. You are so organized and ready for this challenge....I am still wondering about a theme and the pressure is on!!! I do like the idea of the manipulated ribbons, what great patterns are developed.

  10. Hi Gerry...I think folded ribbons are so much fun. I also have
    the Candace book but I also have two books from Dover which I have found very useful. "Old Fashioned Ribbon Art" originally published in the 1920's and "Old Fashioned
    Ribbon Trimmings and Flowers". Also published in the 1920's. They have pretty clear instructions for ribbon folding and making ribbon flowers. Happy New to every one. Ruth (Englishrose)
