Button painting tutorial


Button Giveaway - Post # 1498

I wanted to do something to celebrate the upcoming #1500 post and decided to do a special button for a giveaway.... I now am using my new magnifying lamp which I love.  It is like stepping through a looking glass into a world I can really see.  After I've painted a while I am hesitant to come back into my blurry world.

I have been experimenting with painting baskets and have several others done as well.  These buttons are barely larger then 1"....

There are going to be 4 winners so leave a comment on this post to be eligible to win.  I will do a drawing one day next week...

 Our orphaned fawn is staying close and fattening up for winter.  Morris loves to watch the fawn gobble up sunflower seeds.  He never barks or makes a sound that would frighten the fawn away...  The fawn is only about 3' from the house.

And Molly who   likes sunflower seeds as well has become "friends of sorts" with the wild turkeys who come for snacks also..  We love our wildlife.. 

So leave a comment and help me celebrate this milestone!!!  You might just be a winner.!!!


  1. What beautiful work you do! You are on my feedly reader & marked to my favorites on computer.

    Whoever wins will be a very lucky person. Thank you for the opportunity.

  2. The buttons are gorgeous. I'm glad the lamp is working so well for you. I hope your neighbour leaves the fawn alone and I hope it makes it through the winter. Nice to see a picture of Morris and Molly - haven't seen any for a while other than the one of Molly with your DGD.

  3. Gerry, I would love to win one of your special button and the Forget Me Not would be lovely on my quilt and I would always have a treasure and Forget you not! You are a very gifted artist.

  4. such wonderful work these buttons are amazing. Good to see your fawn is surviving after losing Mum maybe he will make his home with you but keep that neighbour away

    Congratulations too on so many blog posts

  5. Those buttons are gorgeous! The forget-me-not has special meaning to me. I lived in Alaska for over 30 years and the forget-me-not is the state flower. I always had some growing in my yard. Such a pretty little flower.

  6. I've always admired your ability to paint such beauty on such a small scale. Congrats on your upcoming 1500 blog post.

  7. Your work is very heartwarming, so I would be happy to get one of your buttons. I start only with quilting, but my first hobby is embroidery (you can see seme here: http://ephemeral-meadow-fly.deviantart.com/
    With my best wishes


  8. congratulations on so many wonderful posts. You share so much.

    I'm happy to see the fawn is surviving and thriving. My Boscoe and Tyson would never sit so quietly watching the fawn. They do OK with birds, but just let any other 4 legged animal come in eye view and they are going nuts. Morris is a good pooch.

  9. Such finely detailed work. I'm sure having the magnifying glass is a real blessing.

    What an array of wonderful critters, inside and out living together.

    May your holidays be filled with lots of love, peace and joy.


  10. I've been watching the birds in our garden since it got light this morning (no wild turkeys here in the UK)The smaller birds have been going crazy on the many feeders we have just outside the window, so I expect we're in for some bad weather. I would love to win one of your beautiful buttons.

  11. I would love to win one of your beautiful buttons! I wonder if Morris knows the fawn is alone and fending for herself...I guess he enjoys watching her as well. Good boy Morris...this makes up (a bit) for the cooking oil episode....I still chuckle about that, of course I did not have to clean up that mess!

  12. Such lovely buttons! I have the perfect piece for one of them.

    Thank you for feeding the fawn--it will certainly need extra help getting through the winter without its mother. Love the picture of your cat and the turkeys!

  13. Oops! Molly is your DOG! She sure looks like a cat in this picture, though!

  14. Love your forget-me-not buttons!! What a lovely way to celebrate your blogging milestone. Thanks for fostering the fawn. Is it too late to add a fawn motif to your fabulous vest? Perhaps a fawn button? Thanks also for posting about the Starbucks paint stir sticks. Who knew!

  15. Have always enjoyed seeing your art whether on buttons or fabric. I have also tried to create some beaded fans and have gotten a couple of friends to try them. I would love to have one of your buttons. Thank you for the opportunity.

  16. Love your painted buttons-- they would look great on my floral theme crazy quilt!

  17. Those buttons are tiny beauties! I'm glad you've found a close friend in your light/magnifier setup for it's definitely needed to work on that find detail. :-) I have begun a wearable art project that includes CQ blocks and one of your buttons would be the perfect touch.

  18. Your buttons are always so gorgeous, and how wonderful to be giving some away.
    I have a headband magnifier for when I need magnification, works great but makes it a bugger to try to watch TV and embroider - lol.

  19. Gerry,
    I admire your wonderful work style, you always do best work what you do. Your buttons are gorgeous, winners will love them.

  20. I love your buttons and am so glad your blog has been successful!~

  21. As usual, you've excelled yourself with these beautiful buttons, Gerry. I also enjoyed seeing your wildlife and your not so wildlife :)

  22. Your work is outstanding. You have given me the courage to delve into the workd of magnification! My readers aren't doing the job any more and with all the small things I do, I think it will be well worth it. I'll have to ask Santa for one... Your basket buttons are gorgeous.... Don't you just love buttons! Happy Holidays, Doreen, NH

  23. You are so blessed to be so talented and to have God's beauty surround your home. I will be honored to win one of your buttons

  24. I never saw your buttons before, so I must say I'm SO impressed about your extra ordinairy work on them.
    Love them, wish you luck with your choose who to send. :-))
    Hope to see them next year if you comes to Holland, I hope you do !!!

  25. Oh Gerry they are amazing, never saw them before, pieces of ART.
    Wish you luck with choosing who to send one !!
    If you come to Holland ( hope you do) maybe you can show them in real.
    Big smile!!

  26. I have seen these gorgeous buttons for a long time and would love to have one in my possession. Beautiful work.
    Hugs, Donna A

  27. Your buttons are gorgeous! Thank you for the giveaway! Dawn

  28. Congratulations on so many blog posts! Your blog remains among my very favorites and I always miss you when you haven't posted for a few days.

    Lovely that the fawn appears to be doing so well.

  29. Always beautiful work! I just love Forget-me-Not flowers. Of course, blue is my favorite color. One of these lovely buttons would fill my heart with joy during this winter's stitching project.
    Love your work!

  30. Oh, I love these lovely buttons, forget-me-nots are a favorite, and you have done them proud. What a wonderful way to celebrate the stitching art than with one of your buttons.

  31. I so love your buttons. Wish I could paint like that.

  32. Great detail!! So glad you love your light.

  33. Thank you Gerry for bringing so much beauty for my eyes to see. I have enjoyed your blog for a long time, and always look forward to a new button or CQ block. Your work is truly inspired. I also love "Block talk by Gerry"
    God Bless you and yours, and your 4 legged family !!!

  34. You are truly multi-talented...love your work..
    BJ Sandusky

  35. Love everything you do Gerry - you have the "magic touch" "Forget me not" How could we ever forget you!
    Hugs - Nicki Lee

  36. very beautiful and such detailS!! sure sorry I did not meet you in Houston - Mary Beard

  37. Lovely, lovely buttons would love to win. Theresa

  38. Whatever art you create, your attention to detail is amazing. Thank you for your generosity, and congrats on #1500!

  39. Absolutely LOVE your buttons, and thank you so much for offering the giveaway!

  40. Beautiful buttons! I would love to win one-the first time my Dad ever took me fishing, I saw my first forget-me-nots blooming on the stream edge (near Ft. Lewis, Wash.)and they have been favorites ever since. Your new baskets are wonderful. Hugs, Amy Britt

  41. Just love looking at your artistry.
    It always inspires me and pushes me to do better ! Thank You for Sharing !

  42. Love your buttons ! Thank you for sharing ;)

  43. Your work is awesome! So glad you are getting to enjoy your new lamp! Love the pictures of your fawn & other 'pets'. You are a wonderful, talented lady! Hugs & prayers

  44. Those buttons are beautiful. I am glad that you are painting again. Good luck!

  45. Gerry, your buttons are gorgeous! I am fortunate enough to have one of your ladybug buttons on one of my Hearts DYB RR block from Barbara. It is fabulous (and I added a link to your Etsy shop in my blog post displaying that block.)

    Congratulations on your upcoming 1500th post!

  46. I envy that you see wildlife every day. I have to say that Christmas shopping brings out plenty though. Love your buttons.

  47. Gerry, your buttons are beautiful. I love your work. Also, thank you for sharing pictures of your animal friends.

  48. Hi Gerry. I have been lucky enough to win one of your buttons in the past but would love to have a chance to win this one. I read you blog everyday and I am in the UK

  49. Beautiful buttons! I love my magnifying glass too! I can barely thread my needles without it! You have an awesome talent! One of these buttons would be beautiful on the crazy quilt that I am making! Congratulations on your 1500th post!

  50. How cute. I love deer, they run through my GMIL's front yard during the summer. If you spend any time at her house, you are sure to see them.

  51. Congratulations on 1500 posts Gerry - quite the milestone!
