Button painting tutorial


Leave your name for a giveaway of fancies....

It was a busy summer weekend and there was only 4 of us tackling the bins but we were able to reduce my 8 bins to 6 bins.  Here they are cutting velvets.

It was ALL fancies....silks, satins, velvets, etc. and we ended up with bags and bags of it cut into 8-10" squares.  I will have large bags to give to new stitchers who join our group, packets of fancies for new classes and I'm going to have a give away of three bundles so leave your name and a comment and I will choose on Wednesday evening.

Afterwards we had a nice lunch in the gazebo and each cutter took home all the fabric she wanted.


  1. Hey Nu Mom
    I'd love some of your fabric stash !!!
    How's the jacket coming?

  2. Thank you for your generosity and give-away. My supply\ies of trims and fabrics are small, as I'm brand new to CQ. Thank you for being part of our group!

  3. I have not done any crazy quilting for about 2 years as I have been so into embroidery. Perhaps a bag of fancy fabric is just what I need to inspire me again!

  4. Oops! I forgot to leave my name Paula Guisinger. See how excited the thought of a bag of fancy fabric made me!

  5. WOW! I'm first in line - bet you get a lot of action soon! Sure wish I lived closer as I wold have been there in a heartbeat to help you ladies out - just for the shear fun of being around you! I'll be teaching classes soon so understand the need for putting together kits.

  6. It's an amazing fabric stash. When I am done with Kathy Shaw's on line class, I bet I'll be looking for fabrics just like these! Please enter my name.

    My husband always sees barns he wants when we are driving the back roads. I think I want YOURS!

  7. My goodness I will leave my name for sure for a chance for a giveaway. You are such a doll for doing this. xoxoox Annette Graves

  8. wonderful giveaway and beautiful fabrics...hope you draw out my name

    Mary in Austin Texas

  9. That is a wonderful thing for you to do Gerry.
    How nice to have so many good friends to sort and cut.
    Bless you,

  10. What a great giveaway, perfect for crazy quilting, love to win!
    Hugs Marilou

  11. Looks like a fun time to me and lunch in the Gazebo just sounds fantastic. Thank you for sharing your cutting party and the giveaway!
    Karen Fontana

  12. what fun to be there helping you sort out all your goodies, I expect you came across things you had forgotten about years ago!What wonderful organisation you now have with all these treasures.

  13. Dear Gerry, I wish we could live close to each other, I cold help you there....
    By the way, I want to leave my name here, maybe you add me into your list for fancy fabrics:))
    Much love,

  14. If you are willing to post to the u.k. I would love a bag, of course I would understand if you did not.
    Bet you feel good clearing all that lot though.

  15. Oh wow - what a fabulous time you all had. It looks like and Aladdin's cave of sumptuous lusciousness. All those fabulous colours and textures - my idea of heaven - and lunch too. I would love to have been a fly on the wall!

    If I would love to be entered into your giveaway please.

    Good luck everyone.

    Lottie Middleton - you can reach me on my blog

  16. I am new to Crazy Quilting also. I would love to win some fancy fabrics! I think if I had a barn like yours, I would never move out of it. thanks so much for your generosity and inspiration.

    Kathy B

  17. Thank you for sharing . I was honored to meet you in Glastonbury at the CQ event. Still have the buttons I purchased from you. Too nice to use! Thank you.

  18. Thank you for sharing. I was honored to meet you in Glastonbury at a CQ event. Purchased some buttons that are too nice to use! Enjoy your tutorials, very useful. Thank you again

  19. Love, love, love .... Crazy quilting ! It allows your creativity to run wild... No boundaries !
    I am new to your page and find it just so full of inspiration.
    Greetings from Australia :)

  20. Wow! What an amazing way to spend time with your friends. As a CQer, there is always the need for more pretties. Thank you for sharing.

  21. Would love to see your stash! Next best would be to win a bag.
    Debbie Higgins
    Bastrop Texas

  22. Fabric heaven...LOL

    I'm a CQ newbie so I'd love a chance to win:)

  23. It sounds like you had a most excellent day. So much fun when friends get together to work on a big task. It makes big jobs seem smaller with lots of hands and good company. I'd love to win some of your stash. Wish I lived closer so I could visit :)

  24. What a fabulous offer. I enjoyed looking at the tutes, reading about your tips, viewing your gallery, your references to blogs you follow etc. I have your blog bookmarked for easy reference. If I were in your area, I'd gladly help sort, sift, cut, bag fancies for some very lucky people. Thanks. Susan Marx Marsh

  25. My heart is pounding seeing all that treasure - what an amazing day, and lunch in the gazebo to boot! Thank you for sharing and the chance to win. Stacey - VermontPines at aol dot com

  26. Hey Gerry -- Lesa from CQForNewbies. I don't need the fancy fabrics, but a lot of my newbies do. If I win, I will pass it along to some of them.

  27. Oh my! This is like a candyshop,
    Have fun with making the fabrics for sending, may Holland is encluded LOL.

  28. CQ allows me to combine my love of embroidery & quilting. I'm always looking for different fabrics, threads & embellishments to help further develop my creativity in the CQ world & my passion for this needleart technique. To win this bundle would certainly inspire & help expand my artistic horizons. Thanks for the opportunity!

  29. I'm a newby....I have a block pieced but have not done any stitching or embellishments....would love to find someone close to consult with.

  30. Oh, my. Looks like you had tons of fun. It is always fun to see other's stash. Thanks for your giveaway.

  31. Thank you so very much for your very generous gift. I've been teaching myself and collecting everything I need to make my very first crazy quilt. I would love to win these pretties to add to my very first CQ. Thank you so much . Lorene Lddesign65@aol.com

  32. Winning this would feel like Christmas! Thanks for the giveaway.

    Sandy Hardman

  33. Who can resist an opportunity for stash enhancement? Thank you for the chance to enrich someone's stash!

  34. I would love being there to help with the cutting and packaging!! Lots of eye candy fabric. Congrats on your entry in Houston. What an honor to represent the Crazy Quilt World!! And Women!!! Linda in NM

  35. Wow, that looks like lots of fun, and also lots of work! Thanks for the giveaway, I'd love to win some of it. sarah@forrussia.org

  36. Can I join in from England ???

  37. What a fun way to get the work done. Nothing better than friends and fabric!

  38. Hi Gerry...Have been looking at your website for a long time now. Really enjoy it. I started crazy quilting as a result and I just love it. Your work is absolutely beautiful.I would love to be entered in your giveaway. I always look with envy when you show inside pictures of your barn :) Ruth

  39. Oh my, what a "fanciful" idea! Count me in--lacysuzette

  40. Thank you for sharing your wonderful stash!

  41. I have been following your blog for a couple of years and would like some of your stash. Roxanne Pett

  42. Dear Gerry, I am currently taking an Intermediate C Q class from Kathy Shaw and am new to C Q. I would love to win any of your "pretties"!

    Thanks, Cindy

  43. Oh, I wish I'd been there! Aside from getting fancy stash, it sounds like fun! Throw my name in the hat please.
