Button painting tutorial


I will mourn the loss of this tree...

At the back edge of my forest there was a huge old dead tree about 40' tall and it overlooked the valley behind us...  It was a favorite with the ravens, wood peckers, and hawks and at dusk I've seen the occasional great-horned owl there.  One day I even captured a shot of an eagle on it.   Every day as I walk  in the forest I check  it as I turned this corner...  This morning I was about 100' past the corner when I realized I missed it and walked back... Sure enough it was down... 

We had horrific winds Tuesday with gusts up to 65 mph and my lovely old snag was a casualty..  I have been watching it for over 30 years so I had expected it to happen long ago, but just the same, I shall dearly miss this landmark on my daily walks.

I blogged about my day in 2011 when I was looking for a cougar siting and saw the eagle..   olderrose: It's so great when you have a camera at the right moment!!


  1. Sorry you lost your tree. I have a almost dead tree that has been losing limbs in the storms. Terry threatens to take it down but I love to watch the woodpeckers travel up and down collecting their supper.

  2. I know how sad that is! Dear old friends!

  3. how sad to have the tree fall down was good that it did not damage anything though

  4. That's a shame about your tree. It had a lot of character but now it will provide nourishment for other trees and plants to grow.
