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My adventurous granddaughter

My 25-year-old granddaughter Madison has traveled a lot in her life but the last few years she has been doing it  SOLO with a backpack, a budget, youth hostels and cheap transportation.  She worked all summer in Alaska and now plans to spend the winter seeing South America.  
This morning I heard from her.

I have been in Columbia for almost 3 weeks. I have been  from the white sand and turquoise water beaches to the amazing jungle. I did a 5-day hike to the Lost City and am now in the city of Medellin.  In a few days I'll head south to the coffee farms to do some hiking and exploring then to Cali to catch a 20 hour bus to Quito, Ecuador.

She has started a blog to journal her travels and to give tips and advice to others with wanderlust.  I usually find out afterwards when she's gone into the Moroccan desert alone or up some jungle river on a raft in Cambodia.    She's much braver than I am...   I chuckled when I read her list of things to put in your back pack and among the very few absolute necessities was a bottle of polish for her toe nails...


  1. Wow. Very pretty and very brave girl. My husband would love to go to South America. I admit that the governments south of the border scare me and I 'd rather stay where I don't need a pass port. If you would care to share her blog address, I'd love to read it.

  2. Individuals like your granddaughter inspire me to no end. I am a scaredy cat when it comes to going out alone.. My hat is off to her and others like her. I wish I had half of their confidence.

  3. She is going to have some lovely memories to look back on and I am sure the family will be longing for her return to hear all about the travels and see many wonderful photos, and what a story to tell her children in years to come

  4. I'm with Thearica. I am a terrible traveler - I worry about missing planes or buses or anything even on short trips locally. I hope your granddaughter has a marvelous time

  5. What is the blog? is she sharing it, I would love to follow her travels

  6. What an adventuring young lady...tell her to read the book "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed....about a young woman that hiked the Pacific Trail by herself.

  7. What a wonderful experience! We have a friend that backpacked around the world in his 20's. He has some of the most amazing stories to tell about those days. It makes me smile just thinking about the memories your granddaughter must be creating. Thanks for sharing!
