Button painting tutorial


Renewed focus and energy....

The fun stuff is starting now with all the goodies I've been hoarding for years for this project.  I started searching and sorting them this morning... Here are a few of the possibles.  I'm using black alcohol ink to "antique" anything that is too shiny or brassy.  The precious (but tattered) piece of petit point is from an old compact.  Like the trim "flowers" I will be making a lot of beaded fans now.

Back to work on the final stage of the suffrage blocks.  It is with much renewed energy and focus for several reasons....
  1.  The CQJP2013  blocks  are done and the deadline was met. Now I just have to think about assembly
  2.  My new series of CQ classes start the first week in January and I am totally prepared.  The supply lists, handouts, and samples are done and the pattern has been printed and ready to pass out.
  3.  And best of all, SUSIE WOLFE IS COMING the first week in February and I want the quilt ready for assembly when she arrives.  She will be my sounding board plus going over all the blocks with her eagle eye to see if I've missed anything.  She used Sharon Boggin's method to assemble her blocks for her tree skirt so I'll pick her brain on that also.  She's bringing her tree skirt and latest project which I can hardly wait  to see in person..  We had so much fun on her last visit working as a team on the boho bags. We started the first thing in the morning and stitched until midnight every day.  Her last visit was during a heat wave in the summer so living in the LA area the snow will be a novelty for her..


  1. Isn't it fun when you finally found just the perfect place of treasures you have been saving and your treasures will look so nice on the blocks. And what fun to have Susie come to visit and play. Hope she enjoys the snow. I'm way past enjoying this year (grin)

  2. These are wonderful things....To use ink to antique things is great idea! I always learn something from you, thanks soooo much.

  3. can imagine the wonderful time you are going to have with Susie, the bits you have been saving I know will be put to good use. I have my CQJP blogs sewn together and I am finishing off the seam treatments then will just have to bind it and all is done

  4. Dear, dear Gerry I can hardly wait. The visit is going to be sooo much fun! I'm up for nice long, cozy stitching days with you. It's been years since I had a chance to play in the snow. Please tell Morris and Molly to practice their snowman making skills.
