Button painting tutorial


Here are the second batch of fans (still untrimmed)

And here are all eight together

And I have the bases attached for the final four..  Remember when I erroneously said I was going to keep the embellishment understated.... LOL these fans will put it over the top..

Today is the Audubon Society's annual Christmas bird count.  DH and countless other are wandering about the countryside siting birds for the count.  I am home counting the ones at the feeders... Here are a few this morning patiently waiting for the feckless fellow who fetches the seed!


  1. Oh dear, its impossible to pick a favourite in the new batch - I love them all. Over the top is pretty much all I do - not matter how hard I try to do understated and elegant more things just keep appearing on my work. And sparkle is also good. Maybe you could include me as a crow in your bird count (grin). You certainly have lots of birds to count just as home and they might have a few choice cheeps for the person who has gone out counting instead of bringing food!

  2. You must get through a lot of seed with that lot, we get through enough and we don't have as many as that to feed.
    The fans are something special, can't wait to see them all finished and in place.


  3. I'm not entirely certain you know just how beautiful your work really is.

  4. these really are very beautiful and I know will look wonderful on your blocks

  5. Thanks Gerry for your fan blog ... I am a bit of a junk jewelry collector since I started CQ and have some pieces that would be perfect for bead fans. I think I'll give it a go. Not sure where the finished fan project is in the Archives but am sure to stumble across it one day soon.
