Button painting tutorial


Thrift store shopping tip and secret to "safe" place..

One of the things I'm always on the lookout as I cruise thrift shops are cheap little bracelets... either just pot metal or the kind on elastic. I usually snap them up at around $1-2 and use them as seam embellishment. This pink one was pretty worn but so cute and I cut it up and used in on each of my tools and scissors fobs on my chatelaine...

I like the fact that they are different but coordinated.

These are two I picked up yesterday and they are just laced on elastic. Both will be used on my suffrage quilt... The top one was $1 but the bottom one was $4... but it has twenty sections and is so art deco looking.

These little bracelets are often in clumps in a basket or on a rack..  Look for them..

And I'm amazed a follower did not write and tell me the secret to finding all the things we put in the elusive "safe" places and then one can't remember where those safe places are... I started cleaning my little (very messy) painting/storage room and found lots of  lost treasures including my silver needle case that I'd been searching EVERYWHERE for...  So when all else fails....clean house.  I'm thinking seriously of doing it again...but not too soon!!


  1. I love looking in the 'junk basket' at thrift stores, along with the dollar racks for necklaces. Seashell necklaces make great seam embellishments and the individual seashells make great accents. A lot of thrift stores also have a 'small toys' box. I root around in the bottom of that and find novelty charms and other treasure for cqing.

  2. The bracelet pieces for your chatelaine tools are perfect. I adore how you upcycle thrift sales items. Too bad our thrift stores here are very expensive and offer very little in the affordable department. I love costume jewelry for embellishing things. Creative Happy Hearts...

  3. Great finds!!! I was searching everywhere for a tool that tightens the bolts on my needlework stand...cleaned the garage yesterday and there it was! In the garage... I am not sure why...I hope I found everything I could find out there, not a job I will be doing again anytime soon.
    I love the idea of using those bracelet charms on your chatelaine. They look so pretty.
    ps....still jealous of your upcoming class.

  4. so pleased you have found the silver needle case. The tools and scissors look wonderful with your added attachments, such great finds you have there. My problem is putting things in so called safe places and then not finding them, when I finally do come across them I wonder why on earth I put them where I did. The time is rapidly coming when I am going to have to write down where I keep things! then will no doubt lose the note book I write it in!

  5. I have loads of costume jewelry that I use in cq and various other crafts. I even had someone come up to me and hand me a rhinestone bracelet one day because they were sure I could use it for something....and I did :). So you're saying I need to clean my house in order to find my safe place? Sheesh, and I was just thinking of posting a sign saying "Caution, dust bunny rescue area. Watch your step"!

  6. That's a great idea -- and recycling, too!

  7. Gerry I love your life rules... only tidy up when you can't find missing treasure! I love it and will have to remember it. :D
