Button painting tutorial


Chatelaine progress - end in sight

  This evening I finished the motifs on the front pockets. You'll notice I used some of the daisies from my expensive vintage daisy trim... I will have to use it often to justify the cost... Good thing I still love it...

All the trims and seam work has been added to the front pieces and the pocket have been added to the back of the tool openings.  I can sew the lining to the front at this point..

I put my sterling silver needle case somewhere safe until the chatelaine was finished and of course I can't remember that safe place...


  1. good to see the chatelaine is coming along so well, had to chuckle about a safe place I seem to spend more and more time these days forgetting where the safe place is!

  2. Whoever discovers that black hole in the universe that is the "safe place" is going to have a fantastic treasure! I have made several deposits there myself over the years, some of them are still there. I found a piece of fabric to use for my chatelaine and got it started yesterday. I'm just at the point of marking and making the buttonholes now. Seeing yours makes me more excited to get working on mine.

  3. I am amazed at how quickly your chatelaine is coming along. The ribbon embroidery is stunning. Yes, I can certainly relate to putting things in a "safe place" and then not knowing where it was. Happy Hearts are Creative Hearts...
