Button painting tutorial


Rapid Rabbit Makeover

It looks like April is going to be like March and I'm in the car constantly..   I feel like a visitor when I do get home... in fact my current fantasy is a whole entire day at home..  So tonite I am too tired to stitch and it's too early to fall into bed so I played with rabbit images on the computer.  With this CQJP block almost finished I'm thinking ahead and the next one will be rabbits and daisies (besides a cottage of course.)

I was looking through my file of vintage images in search of a rabbit in a sitting position because I want my rabbit to be holding daisies...  I found the one on the left but it's rather skinny and the head is rather static...  I love a tilted head and almost always adjust heads on birds... It gives them a dash more personality... So I liked the head on rabbit #2 (weird arms though) and tilted the head a bit and added it to rabbit #1 and then fattened him up a bit...  I did this all on the computer but I could do it just as easily by cutting it into pieces like I did the birds...  To fatten him up I just cut out an extra   right side) and moved it over a bit.  At this point I can cut him out and trace him on felt to be embroidered.

I found this precious vintage daisy trim and it will be perfect.


  1. you are very skilled with you computer to be altering your bunny like that, they are all nice.
    Saw some great daisy cotton fabric the other week and have regretted not getting a fat quarter. Apart from a few daffodils and crocus daisies are all I have growing in the garden at the moment.

  2. I can never, never get enough time to sew, I promise myself each day to get up in the work room but something always gets in the way or I fell guilty because I know there's other things I should be doing.
    As daisies are my favourite flower, I look forward to this block.
    By the way, thank you for the idea of making a book out of them, I wondered what to do with mine. I can't really have them on display they would soon have a grey overcoat from my 5 cats, the fur flys everywhere. lol

  3. I really like the altered bunny. I wish I had learned how to use my PaintShop Pro program when I could spend more time on the computer. I even have an older version of Adobe something or other that my friend gave me because they bought a newer version before they even opened the package. I have never even put it on the computer because I know it takes a lot to learn how to use the program and my eyes just won't take working on a computer for that long. I've been trying to update my website for over a year now and still not done. Luckily when my computer crashed last month the tech was able to retrieve my data and it should be here today because my DS, grandbabies, and probably the dog are coming out for the day so my DIL can write some papers for her courses.
