Button painting tutorial


Next block - rabbits and daisies

As I've mentioned before I am working ahead on these blocks in case I have to have more eye surgery so this is actually the May block...  I've a good start and you can see the lovely vintage daisy trim I found on etsy and will never ever admit what I paid for it...I will have to use every piece of it...which will be easy as it is precious...

I've started the rabbit on felt and as always, I outlined it with a chain stitch before I started filling it in...  I do the lightest areas and the darkest areas first and then start blending them together.

This is absolutely the very worst felt I've ever used.  Usually when I do the tight chain stitch it compresses the felt...  This stuff just disintegrates and leaves holes... I bought it at JoAnns and sadly I bought a whole yard because I wanted to use it with my students...  I"ll throw what's left in the washer and dryer and see if helps... Nasty flimsy stuff.

And speaking of nasty stuff....one of the earlier fabrics I ordered on line came and it was terrible..


  1. I am sorry for your icky felt - I purchased expensive wool there of the same quality:( Have you ever used wool felt for your stitching - it sure needles nicer.
    Loving your cottage - reminds me of Beatrix Potter.

  2. This block looks bright and cheerful. And I think this is my favourite roof line - I love curves. It reminds me of Fable Cottage in Victoria, BC. Your animals always look so lifelike - I really need to practice more.

  3. Gorgeous blog...
    j'ai fait un lien vers le votre sur mon blog avec une photo prise sur CQJP2013. j'espère que vous ne m'en voudrez pas:http://crazybroderies.canalblog.com/archives/2013/04/17/26948475.html

  4. this is the problem with ordering online. My latest post is just about that.A tapestry we ordered was nothing like the colours depicted online.
    Trouble is, round here its getting harder and harder to find any shops stocking the kind of things I need and I am forced to buy online.
    The rabbit looks as though its going to be fun.

  5. a lovely block and I can see the rabbit is going to be very much at home there.
