Button painting tutorial


Meet Aspen...a CQer with a vision

Aspen was in one of my beginning crazy quilting classes.. The class consisted of accomplished mature stitchers and having a young person sign up was a special treat. I thoroughly enjoyed  this 16-year old young lady's enthusiastic participation.

She had a black block and was very decisive about her choices from the stash pile I provided.. It was obvious she had a vision and set about eagerly..  At each class she was bent over piece with great concentration..

Her mother said she kept at it until she finished and today it was hanging in the thread shop.  Here is an original......


  1. looks like you lave a talented keen youngster there, how good to have the young ones interested, lets hope some of her friends come along to the class too.

  2. Aspen, if you are reading this you did some amazing stitching! Nice to see such enthusiasm!

  3. Wow! Wow! Wow! For a first timer this is stupendous. Of course, being a black and brights type of person myself this one really speaks to me. I hope she continues and cq becomes a lifelong passion for her.

  4. Amazing work! Congratulations to both the teacher and the stitcher! That smile says it all about the fun she had stitching :)

  5. Well done, Aspen! Your design is fascinating! I hope you're inspired to do more CQing.

  6. What a unique block. I love the feel of it .... quite contemporary. Congrats .... it is a fantastic first block!

  7. Way to go Aspen! You have created a fabulous little piece of art and I can tell by the smile on your face you loved every stitch! I think Ms. Gerry has created another wonderful CQer.

  8. Aspen, you definitely have a vision for CQing! Wonderful start - I can imagine what a number of years experience under your belt will produce! Congrats!!! You also have a wonderful teacher for information etc.

  9. Aspen you have done a beautiful job on your square. Plus you hve a wonderful teacher. Think about putting some silk ribbon & embroidery on a cotton blouse.



  10. I am just a beginner also and I love what Aspen did especially the green stitched section.. Both Aspen and the block are so pretty!
    She is so lucky to get have you in person for a teacher.
    I have learned so much from your Blog.
    Happy Valentines day!
    Crystal S.

  11. Aspen! Your work is very free and creative...LOVE it! Keep up the good work! Colleen A.

  12. Congratulations from Australia, Aspen. I love what you have done on your very first block - so free and creative. I hope you want to continue crazy quilting and it becomes a lifelong passion.
    from Vivienne

  13. Ooops, just publish my comment and noticed that Colleen has also used the same wording - free and creative - just goes to show that Aspen's block is just that. I shall add original and striking to free and creative. Well done anyway, I really do love your first piece of cq work. Vivienne

  14. Welcome to crazy quilting, Aspen! I love your contemporary spin on what appears (to me) to be the four seasons. Lovely stitching and masterful design! I hope we will be seeing more of your work! Hugs, Cat K

  15. Hi Aspen,
    I'm also an Aussie, and I just wanted to tell you are AMAZING stitcher. You show so much talent and please keep on with your classes and doing your wonderful embroidery.
    Hugs bear xoxoxoxoxo

  16. Some mighty fine stitching here. You sure it's from a "newbie"?

  17. OUTSTANDING Beginning. Aspen, I love your vision and use of color and the balance and texture. You have what it takes to be oh so fantastic at this and anything else. You are an Artist! And it is just too much fun. Enjoy, create, STAY EXCELLENT!!!

    Hugs Kristie

  18. Marvelous work, Aspen! Original and unique. Keep up the good work!

    Judy in MS

  19. Impressive design and stitching, Aspen! Well done--you get a gold star!!!

  20. Aspen, your work is fantastic! I can't believe you are a beginner. But you are natural and will enjoy CQ very much! Hideko

  21. What a beautiful beginnning Aspen. When I first started stitching, my teacher was the instructions that came with the kits that I found at the craft store. I too kept head down and working until each piece was complete. I haven't stopped since. Welcome to a lifetime with your needle and congratulate yourself on another key skill in your embroidery path...finding a great teacher!!! Bravo!

  22. Great job - you should have a great time with this technique so many different ways you can go and sooooo many things you can collect for your stash! Enjoy.

  23. Well, I guess we don't have to worry about crazy quilting dying out as long as there are talented young CQ'ers like Aspen! Brilliant!

  24. i love to see young girls interested in sewing...and what a talented girl she is! looks like she is enjoying the class :) well done!

  25. Beautiful block Aspen! You've done wonderful stitching and it's so balanced, way to go, you are a natural.

  26. I'm impressed! Can't wait to see what she does next!

  27. Aspen, Wonderful work! Keep experimenting with different colors, fabrics, lace, beads -- you're a natural.

  28. Dear Aspen, Absolutely beautiful and so creative. I wish so much that my two daughters were interested in the needle arts, but alas, I'm looking to you to pass this beautiful art to the next generation. Keep it up and move forward to inspire others!! Thank you. Sarah

  29. Fantastic! Can hardly wait to see the next project she creates.

  30. Aspen, Amazing work, just awesome! You are very talented,
