Button painting tutorial


January 2013JP done!

Done!!!  I got all the bees in LA at a cool bead place Susie took me  in the garment district.  I'm so sorry I didn't buy more there...  Notice the tiny bee skep which fills the corner lower left.  Also as my luck would have it, I found this fabulous necklace with teeny tiny, brass, faceted beads which I just had to use immediately (around the cottage)  Many strands and I love them....you'll see them often in this project.

The piece has been almost finished for a week but I've been waiting for our pension checks to come to get new printer cartridges to print a page of cottages. I mostly refill our cartridges at Costco but if I'm going to be printing images I get new ones as it does make a difference on the color quality...

 Don't forget I have this tutorial...
 The most important things you can do are BEFORE you send the picture to the printer. 

Also the old source I had for printable fabric sheets doesn't answer emails or calls even tho they still have a website.  But I found this site  which sells both cotton and silk sheets of high quality.  Personally I prefer the cotton myself...200 count. I can recommend them.


  1. Gerry, your block for January is beautiful!

  2. Your block is exquisite, as usual. The faceted beads really set off the cottage. Too bad none of the teeny-tiny prints in the picture I sent you weren't suitable. I might have been able to reduce my stash by a teeny tiny bit (grin)

  3. Oh Gerry ....it's just stunning! It looks so "just like you" .... reminds me of the work I saw way back when I first found your blog. The color, balance and movement are wonderful. If you took away any single element it would be ruined. I'm so happy that we have 11 more months of cottage beauty coming this year!!

  4. I love all the bees and the skep. The faceted beads around the cottage nicely repeats the colour of your bees, and really shows off the cottage. Your block is a beauty!

  5. This block is exquisite. Every detail really enhances the overall feel of the stitching. Blissful...

  6. a lovely block, I could easily move into that very pretty cottage.So much to see and admire here. I have never tried putting photos on fabric, will pop over and have a look at the link you have given us, must make an effort and have a go.

  7. Gerry: I love your theme for the CQJP 2013-I love cottages too and it is exquisite as all your work is. Thank you for your generosity in sharing your knowledge, I am hoping to get some family photos copied onto fabric for my project and will review your tutorials before I try to do mine.
    I am behind as my husband is having serious eye surgery next week, but that is my treat after we get through the crisis! Thanks for all the beauty you share on your blogs! Amy in LA

  8. Very, very beautiful and pieceful.
